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MOU No.: M-025-18 <br />SCAG Project70WP No.: 225-3564J2.11 <br />Auditor, or other authorized government agency. Copies shall be made and furnished by CITY <br />upon request at no cost to the CITY. <br />c. CITY shall establish and maintain an accounting system conforming to Generally Accepted <br />Accounting Principles (GAAP) to support Invoices which segregate and accumulate the costs <br />of work elements by line item and produce Progress Reports which clearly identify <br />reimbursable costs and other expenditures by OWP work elements. <br />d. If applicable, CITY agrees to include all costs associated with this MOU and any amendments <br />thereto to be examined in the annual audit and in the schedule of activities to be examined <br />under a single audit prepared by CITY in compliance with Subpart F of the Office of <br />Management and Budget's Uniform Grant Guidance, formerly referred to as Circular A-133. <br />The CITY is responsible for assuring that the Single Auditor has reviewed the requirements of <br />this MOU. Copies of said audits shall be submitted to SCAG. <br />e. Neither the pendency of dispute nor its consideration by a Party or the State shall excuse the <br />other Party from full and timely performance in accordance with the terms of this MOU. <br />14. Federal Certifications and Assurances <br />a. CITY shall adhere to the requirements contained in SCAG's annual Certification and <br />Assurances (FHWA and FTA "Metropolitan Transportation Planning Process Certification") <br />submitted as part of SCAG's OWP, pursuant to 23 CFR 450.334 and the 23 U.S.C.1234. This <br />Certification shall be published annually in SCAG's OWP. Such requirements shall apply to <br />CITY to the same extent as SCAG and may include, but are not limited to: <br />1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title VI Assurance executed by California <br />under 23 U.S.C. 324 and 29 U.S.C. 794; <br />2) Pub. Law 105-178, 112 Star. 107 and any successor thereto, regarding the involvement of <br />disadvantaged business enterprises in FHWA and FTA funded projects (See. 105(f), Pub. <br />L. 970424, 96 Stat. 2100, 49 CFR part 26); and <br />3) The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-336, 104 Stat. 327, as amended) <br />and the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) implementing regulations <br />(4.9 CFR 27, 37, and 38), <br />b. CITY shall additionally comply with the requirements contained in the annual FTA <br />"Certifications and Assurances for FTA Assistance," including "Certifications and Assurances <br />Required of Each Applicant" and the "Lobbying Certification" in compliance with 49 U.S.C. <br />Chapter 53; published annually in SCAG's OWP. Such assurances shall apply to CITY to the <br />same extent as SCAG, and include but are not limited, the following areas: <br />1) Standard Assurances <br />2) Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters for Primary Covered <br />Transactions <br />3) Drug Free Work Place Agreement <br />4) Intergovernmental Review Assurance <br />February 26, 2019 <br />Page 11 <br />25G-1 3 <br />