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WHEREAS, the RAILROAD agrees said Crossing Signal Equipment can and will be <br />installed prior to any other improvement listed in said Exhibit "11-1 ", and Exhibit `B-2 attached <br />hereto and incorporated herein; <br />WHEREAS, the improvements listed in said Exhibits `B-l" and Exhibit `B-2" can be <br />installed by a third party before or after said Crossing Signal Equipment; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements of the <br />parties contained herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the <br />parties agree as follows: <br />ARTICLE I — SCOPE OF WORK <br />1. The term "Project" as used in this agreement includes said Crossing Signal Equipment <br />and any and all work related to the installation thereof to make it operational at U.S. DOT <br />crossing 026711U, indicated on said Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B-1" which are attached hereto <br />and incorporated herein, including, but not limited to, any and all changes to telephone, <br />telegraph, signal and electrical lines and appurtenances, installation of advance warning signs <br />and pavement marking stop bars, installation of any new crossing surface, temporary and <br />permanent track work, fencing, grading, alterations to or new construction of drainage facilities, <br />preliminary and construction engineering and contract preparation, and disposal of scrap. <br />ARTICLE 11—RAILROAD OBLIGATIONS <br />In consideration of the covenants of AGENCY set forth herein and the faithful <br />performance thereof, RAILROAD agrees as follows: <br />1. The RAILROAD will, using its own labor forces under applicable labor agreements, <br />install said Crossing Signal Equipment. The work will be performed at AGENCY's expense and <br />in accordance with the MUTCD and the plans and specifications approved by AGENCY. The <br />plans and specifications are attached to this Agreement as said Exhibits "B-l" and `B-21 and <br />incorporated herein. <br />2. The detailed estimate of RAILROAD'S Project cost include construction engineering, <br />installation labor (including the costs, if anv, of electrical set -vice from a public utility), traffic <br />control, administration costs, plan review costs, permit costs and material costs required for the <br />Project are attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and incorporated herein. In the event construction for <br />the Project has not commenced within (6) months following the effective date of this Agreement, <br />RAILROAD may, in its sole and absolute discretion, revise the cost estimates set forth in said <br />Exhibit "C". In such event, the revised cost estimates will become a part of this Agreement as <br />though originally set forth herein. Any item of work incidental to the items listed on Exhibit "C" <br />not specifically mentioned therein may be included as a part of this Agreetent upon written <br />approval of AGENCY, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld. <br />3. RAILROAD will furnish all labor, materials, toots and equipment for the railroad portion <br />of the work required for the construction of said Project. <br />20B-12 <br />