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Approve Affordable Housing Loans for the Rehabilitation of Cornerstone Apartments <br />September 17, 2019 <br />Page 5 <br />• Remaining principal and accrued interest due upon the 55th anniversary of the issuance of <br />Certificate of Occupancy and/or final building permits or earlier upon sale, refinancing or <br />default. On that date, the City/Housing Authority agrees to review the performance of the <br />property and consider in good faith any reasonable request by Jamboree to modify the <br />terms or extend the term of the City/Housing Authority Promissory Notes. Additionally, the <br />City/Authority will receive 50% of the net proceeds received from any sale or refinancing of <br />the Project, after payment of outstanding debt and payment in full of any deferred <br />developer fee and establishment of any reserves and transaction costs; <br />• Cost savings from the Project, if any, will be applied first to pay down the Loans, subject to <br />compliance with the TCAC regulations. <br />Regarding the two Subordination Agreements with Union Bank, the City's / Housing Authority's <br />total loan for the Project is less than the $11.1 million loan from Union Bank. In order for Union <br />Bank to provide their senior loan, they are requiring the City and Housing Authority to execute <br />one Subordination Agreement each for the City and Housing Authority's two Loan Agreements <br />that allow Union Bank to complete their underwriting and commit their private market financing. <br />As such, the two Subordination Agreements will allow Union Bank to commit their private market <br />financing for the rehabilitation of the Project. The Subordination Agreement for the City's <br />Amended and Restated HOME Loan Agreement is attached as Exhibit 5 and the Subordination <br />Agreement for the Housing Authority's Amended and Restated Housing Successor Agency Loan <br />Agreement is attached as Exhibit 6. <br />If the two Loan Agreements are not approved by City Council and the Housing Authority, then <br />Jamboree will have to return their allocation of 4% tax exempt bonds and the Project will not <br />move forward. <br />5% Simple Interest Instead of 3% Simple Interest <br />Jamboree requested that the City's interest rate be increased from 3% simple interest to 5% <br />simple interest. <br />The issue is that because the new Limited Partnership in the resyndication is assuming an <br />existing loan (not a new loan like a typical new construction project), for tax purposes it can be <br />looked at as if the new Limited Partnership is assuming the loan at much more favorable loan <br />terms than they could have obtained otherwise. If this is the case, it can be treated as income to <br />the Partnership. The Partnership never wants to have income in these types of transactions <br />because the Limited Partner would have to pay taxes on this income and as such this would <br />impact/reduce the amount of tax credit equity that they would put in the deal. <br />The test of whether or not the terms of the assumed loan are "favorable" and would trigger a <br />need to pay income on the loan is done by looking at the proposed rate for the assumed loan and <br />comparing it to the Applicable Federal Rate (AFR), which is the minimum market rate that the <br />Internal Revenue Service allows for a private loan. A comparison is then conducted between how <br />