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become a permanent housing facility serving large families, subject to non - <br />substantive changes approved by the Executive Director of the Housing <br />Authority and Authority General Counsel. <br />MOTION: Villegas SECOND: Solorio <br />VOTE: AYES: Iglesias, Penaloza, Pulido, Solorio, Villegas(5) <br />NOES: None (0) <br />ABSTAIN: None (0) <br />ABSENT: Sarmiento (1) <br />Ward 4 representative vacant. <br />COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS <br />Pursuant to Santa Ana Charter Section 411, any member of the City Council may place <br />items on the City Council Agenda to be considered by the City Council. Only action <br />available to City Council is to provide direction to City Manager. <br />85A. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER DIRECTING CITY MANAGER VIA HER <br />AUTHORITY TO DIRECT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND OTHER CITY <br />DEPARTMENTS, TO FULLY ENFORCE OUR ANTI -CAMPING, ANTI - <br />PANHANDLING AND RELATED LAWS. AN EDUCATION COMPONENT <br />SHOULD BE INCLUDED TO OFFER DRUG TREATMENT, MENTAL HEALTH <br />AND HOUSING SERVICES TO INDIVIDUALS VIOLATING THESE LAWS. <br />GIVEN THE SUBSTANTIAL MEASURE X TAX REVENUE WE ARE NOW <br />RECEIVING FROM OUR LOCAL RESIDENTS AND TAXPAYERS, THIS NEEDS <br />TO BE A TOP PRIORITY, WITH IMMEDIATE, VISIBLE ACTIONS ON A DAILY <br />AND REGULAR BASIS — Councilmember Solorio <br />Councilmember Solorio directed police department to enforce anti -camping laws <br />and to return with plan to address panhandling and enforcement of anti -camping <br />laws. <br />Mayor Pulido directed Police Chief Valentin to provide update of anti -camping <br />laws and panhandling enforcement in the third quarter. <br />Mayor Pulido requested staff to provide statistics as to how many individuals have <br />been provided shelter services. <br />Councilmember Iglesias directed staff to provide update on process for local <br />businesses to authorize police enforcement on private property and to introduce <br />a six-month renewal process. <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 24 JULY 2, 2019 <br />1 OA-24 <br />