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Councilmember Penaloza unsupportive of increasing rental assistance program <br />funding to $250k. Supportive of funding rental assistance program at a lower <br />funding level than the proposed $250k. <br />Mayor Pulido clarified Councilmember Penaloza's funding level request to be at <br />$125k. <br />Councilmember Penaloza supportive of funding level of $125k. <br />Mayor Pulido clarified Councilmember Penaloza support of City funded rental <br />assistance program at $125k and looking for external matching funds. <br />City Manager Kristine Ridge, advised council that the amendment to increase <br />amount to Rental Assistance Program will need to be included as part of 11A-1 B <br />motion. <br />1A. MOTION: Bifurcated motion to place ordinance on second reading <br />excluding Police Budget and adopt. <br />ORDINANCE NO. NS-2969 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA APPROPRIATING MONIES TO THE SEVERAL <br />OFFICES, AGENCIES, AND DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY FOR FISCAL YEAR <br />BUDGET PERIOD COMMENCING JULY 1, 2019 <br />MOTION: Sarmiento <br />SECOND: Solorio <br />VOTE: AYES: <br />Penaloza, Pulido, Sarmiento, Solorio, (4) <br />NOES: <br />Iglesias, Villegas (2) <br />ABSTAIN: <br />None (0) <br />ABSENT: None (0) <br />Ward 4 representative vacant. <br />Councilmember Sarmiento supportive of budget as presented. Supportive of <br />providing police officers with additional training and counseling services. <br />Councilmember Solorio supportive of tracking data and statistics from public <br />communications and prioritizing hiring sworn officers over support staff. Directed <br />City Manager and human resource to review staff promotions. <br />Councilmember Solorio directed staff to ensure candidate that will replace jail <br />administrator has the necessary qualifications and will commit to additional <br />training as needed. <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4 JULY 2, 2019 <br />10A-4 <br />