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Sewer Rate Study Recommendations <br />September 17, 2019 <br />7 <br />G <br />$35 <br />■ Non -Rate Revenue <br />E f R t R <br />$30 <br />® xis ing a e evenues <br />g <br />® Rate Revenue from Increases <br />- $25 <br />■ 0&M Expenses & Transfers <br />$P0 <br />n <br />■ Cash -Funded CIP <br />>< <br />$15 <br />$5 <br />9 <br />gM ---Target Reserves —Ending Fund Balance —Minimum Reserves <br />$30 <br />9 szo <br />_____________________________________ <br />FT 2016 FT 2019 FT 2020 FT 2021 FT 2022 FT 2023 FT 2020 FT 2025 FT 2026 FT 2027 FT 2026 FT 2029 FT 2030 <br />Avenge Single FemilypeYMonts <br />9.0% 9.0% 9.0% 9.0% 3.0% 3.0% <br />Proposed Sewer Rafe Design Modifications <br />1. Create 3 customer classes to account for a Return -to -sewer factor <br />• 50% Single Family Residential <br />• 80% Multi -Family Residential <br />• 90% Non -Residential <br />2. Minor Modifications to meter equivalence factors <br />• Bringing the meter equivalency schedule in line with industry standards <br />3. Fixed utility charges only <br />• Use of fixed charges only is recommended, as all utility expenses are fixed costs <br />• Utility charges are scaled largely based on meter size <br />I <br />0 <br />Stantec Consulting & Hildebrand ConsultiU5B-20 4 <br />