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EXHIBIT 3 <br />CONTENTS <br />• EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />• BACKGROUND <br />• PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />• COMMUNITY HEALTH / NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT <br />• COMMUNITY BENEFITS <br />• Participation, Health, and Sustainability <br />• Cooperative Jobs, Supplementing Household Incomes <br />• Community -led Development <br />• CONCLUSION <br />• ADDENDUM A: SITE PLAN <br />EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />This Community Benefits Report outlines existing market conditions in the area around 1901 W. <br />Walnut St., the "Walnut and Daisy Street" parcel, how THRIVE Santa Ana's proposed Micro - <br />farm project will provide numerous community benefits to the local neighborhood, and to the <br />City of Santa Ana as a whole. Current market trends are characterized by worsening economic <br />and health conditions including increased rates of poverty, lack of open or green space, youth <br />and adult obesity. Demand for more inclusive economic development, access to healthy food <br />and lifestyle options, is also an opportunity to involve local residents in a solution -oriented <br />approach to development. Using this approach, the Walnut and Daisy Micro -farm anticipates <br />successful provision of economic and social benefits: civic engagement, healthy food and <br />lifestyle choices; local jobs and supplemental income for providers and consumers; cost savings <br />for residents and for the City of Santa Ana; increased local investment and municipal taxes; and <br />increased community wealth through community -led development. <br />BACKGROUND <br />THRIVE Santa Ana is a Community Land Trust (CLT), a nonprofit, community -based agency that <br />stewards land for local needs in Santa Ana, California. Founded by local organizations and <br />residents with over 50 years combined experience in resident -led initiatives. THRIVE's mission is <br />to build community wealth by holding land in trust and to drive development that ensures access <br />to affordable, healthy neighborhoods. Resident leadership, and resident -led development in <br />particular, are THRIVE's key means to address local demand for affordable housing, open <br />space, job, and business opportunities. <br />�• <br />