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EXHIBIT 1 <br />SECOND EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATION AGREEMENT <br />This Second Exclusive Negotiation Agreement ("Agreement") is dated September 17, <br />2019, for reference purposes only, and is entered into by and between the CITY OF SANTA ANA, <br />a California charter city in the County of Orange of the State of California ("City"), and THRIVE <br />Santa Ana, Inc., a 501(c)(3) tax exempt California public benefit corporation ("Developer'), to <br />provide a specified period of time to attempt to negotiate a disposition and development agreement <br />("DDA") between the City and Developer. City and Developer are sometimes referred to in this <br />Agreement individually, as a "Party" and, collectively, as the "Parties." This Agreement is <br />entered into by the Parties with reference to the following recited facts (each, a "Recital"): <br />RECITALS <br />WHEREAS, the Parties entered into an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement dated May 1, <br />2018, to negotiate the potential future development of the property located at 1901 West Walnut <br />Street, Santa Ana, CA (APN 007- 332-08) ("Property"), but that original Exclusive Negotiation <br />Agreement expired on its own terms on April 26, 2019; and <br />WHEREAS, the Parties entering into this Agreement intend to establish a specific, limited <br />period of time to negotiate regarding a future agreement among them governing the potential use <br />and development of the Property, subject to mutually agreeable terms, conditions, covenants, <br />restrictions and agreements to be negotiated and documented in a future DDA; and <br />WHEREAS, City owns the Property, and <br />WHEREAS, the Property is more particularly described in the legal description attached <br />to this Agreement as Exhibit "A" and incorporated into this Agreement by this reference; and <br />WHEREAS, Developer proposes to develop a community micro -farm on the Property. <br />The term `micro -farm" refers to a small space primarily used to cultivate crops in an urban or <br />suburban setting. Additionally, micro -farms are used to teach gardening and farming skills to <br />community members. Developer will use a comprehensive assessment of community needs to <br />determine the specific use of the Property, as particularly described in Exhibit 1113" attached to <br />this Agreement and incorporated into this Agreement by this reference ("Project"); and <br />WHEREAS, the Parties propose to conduct negotiations in order to produce a DDA in <br />accordance with the timeline and milestones attached to this Agreement as Exhibit "C' ; and <br />WHEREAS, the Parties now agree to enter into this Agreement for the purpose of further <br />planning and evaluating the feasibility of the proposed Project; and <br />WHEREAS, the Developer has represented its willingness and ability to undertake certain <br />studies, plans and other activities necessary to define the scope of development and determine the <br />feasibility of the Project on the Property, and that such plans and other information to be prepared <br />during the course of this Agreement shall serve as the basis for entering into a DDA between City <br />and Developer; and <br />EXHIBIT 1 <br />60A-5 <br />