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Clearly this cat is not feral, but she was scheduled to be released and Return To Field <br />OC Animal Cate has so far has attempted to release a a senior cat with no teeth and <br />stomatitis back as a Return To Field, the cat was in a bin to to be released but a shelter <br />worker and shelter volunteer intervened and said the cat will die if returned to field, 0C <br />Animal Care also tried to release a momma cat that just <br />had kittens that was sick with a URI and could barely <br />walk or keep her head up, she was in the bin to be <br />Returned to Field and a shelter volunteer and shelter <br />worker spoke up, they were told to take the momma <br />cat out of the bin and if the cat could walk and keep <br />her head up, she would be ren ~ .:.:'; d, ^-1d. A shelter <br />volunteer took that cat home. <br />A rn un cat at OC Animal Cato that had a URI was sickly and could not hold her head up, She was in the <br />bin m be released and Return To Field. A Shelter Volunteer Intervened. <br />