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What Mike Kaviani doesn't mention is the shelter is currently at 220% capacity. <br />And as OC Animal Care has been doing for the last 20 years, this new shelter director is <br />also still attempting to mislead the general public by creating false statistics regarding the <br />live release rates of dogs, In December of 2018, Kaviani posted a 98% percent release rate <br />for the dogs, now six months later, he is claiming a 95% percent live release rate for the <br />dogs. Both live release rates are false. <br />According to one of our attorneys: <br />What OC Animal Care is currently trying to imp' . _ ROL ,host of abandonment, <br />and if there are abandonment laws against the general publre, those laws should also apply <br />to OC Animal Care. <br />There are most certainly abandonment laws in CA. <br />It's also a misdemeanor in California to abandon pets. One law simply says that it's illegal <br />to purposefully abandon an animal (Cal, Penal Code 4 597s). A more general statute <br />criminalizes leaving animals without proper care and attention in any building, enclosure, <br />lot, street, or other public place (Cal. Penal Code 4 597.1), In this case, there's no <br />requirement that the abandonment or neglect be purposeful. <br />Cal. Penal Code 4 597s. Abandonment of domestic animals. <br />(a) Every person who willfully abandons any animal is guilty of a misdemeanor. <br />CAL. PENAL CODE g 597.1. Failure to care for animals; misdemeanor; powers and <br />duties of local officers and veterinarians; hearings; liability for costs; forfeiture. <br />(1) Every owner, driver, or keeper of any animal who permits the animal to be in <br />any building, enclosure, lane, street, square, or lot of any city, county, city and county, or <br />judicial district without proper care and attention is guilty of a misdemeanor. <br />So what happens when an animal shelter is doin, ,n —11c, - h this case OC Animal <br />Care. <br />This is what we need the general public to do: if you see volunteers driving in your <br />neighborhoods, communities, near schools, fields or malls, and they stop open their cars <br />and you see cat kennels or grey bins, and you witness these volunteers dumping cats back <br />into the communities, please videotape and photograph these actions. <br />We have established a hot line the community can call and report these actions to. You <br />can also pick up the stray cats and return or take them back to OC Animal Care. <br />Our hotline number is 714-454-0813. <br />Unfortunately, OCAC has lost their focus on animal welfare and under Mike Kaviani is <br />focused solely on the live release rates and save rates so OC Animal Care and Mike Kaviani <br />can look better than they really are. <br />This is not what sheltering is supposed to be about. <br />Sharon Logan has foz ehtfor close to a decade for shelter reform at OCAnimal Care. She and <br />her attorneys successfully sued the co snty animal shelter as the Plainti�'in the ground breaking <br />lawsuit, Logan vs. OCAnimal Care. <br />Opinions expressed in editorials trctun, cr,e authors and <br />