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"This may not be limited to just the cat food; it can also be the cat as food too, especially when <br />so many cats are lured to a specific area (feeding station) to eat. They, in turn, attract the <br />coyotes which are claimed to be keeping developed areas free of rats and rodents," explained <br />one former official. <br />"The added problem with this myth is that the coyote gets its fill when eating a cat or two versus <br />its natural prey (rats) which can, in turn, increases the population of the prey it would usually <br />eat --those uneaten rats multiply. It's simple math," he said. <br />THE COST OF GUILT <br />All the large (and many small) humane organizations run ads and/or have websites that <br />promote our guilt over the way irresponsible owners treat animals. We can, of course, assuage <br />that guilt with a donation --the larger and/or more regular the amount, the better we will feel. <br />In last week's article ('No Kill' has Failed - Socially Conscious Animal -Sheltering Begins), <br />we looked at total donations for 2018 to Best Friends Animal Society, ASPCA and HSUS. <br />Here are some figures on the annual income for large and small feral cat/TNR organizations for <br />2018: <br />Alley Cat Allies <br />Total Revenue $10,221,392 NET ASSETS: $6,229,392 <br />Feral Cat Spay -Neuter Project <br />Gross Receipts $470,385 Assets: $5,583,989 <br />KITTY BUNGALOW (Los Angeles) Total Revenue: $320,500 Assets: $543,056 <br />OWNER RESPONSIBILITY --TIME FOR A BAN ON OUTDOOR CATS <br />A Citywide ban on allowing owned cats to be let or kept outdoors, along with a mandatory <br />microchip/cat licensing law and enforcement of L.A.'s existing mandatory cat spay/neuter <br />ordinance could --without further taxing the City's budget --effectively and humanely start to <br />control the overpopulation and end dangers of these free -roaming non-native cats, the spread <br />of diseases (such as, typhus and rabies) and the destruction of wildlife in Los Angeles. <br />