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In 2017, the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals reported Total Net <br />Assets or Fund Balances at $273,912,568, with total contributions at $219,969,109. <br />HSUS (The Humane Society of the United States) Ann, ai p-\lPnue Report for 2018, list Total <br />Assets at $284,500,000 and revenue at $177,500,000. <br />Best Friends Animal Society shows on its Independent Auditor's Report, Total Assets at <br />$147,661,205 and Revenue for 2018 at $137,860,369. <br />American's reportedly donated to listed organizations a total of $11.8 billion in 2018 to <br />Animal/Environmental organizations. (This does not include the small, local groups or shelters.) <br />There are an estimated 14,000 shelters and pet rescue groups in the U.S., taking in nearly 8 <br />million animals each year, NPR reported in 2014. (Note: This has probably increased dramatically <br />in five years.) <br />ANIMAL RESCUERS <br />Animal rescuers are not licensed, permitted, monitored or inspected in most cities/states, nor <br />registered on any national registry. Local shelters usually nnlv require proof of IRS tax-exempt <br />501(c)(3) status to release impounded animals, often free of charge. There is no limit on what <br />they charge for "adoptions" and no follow-up on the ultimate disposition of the animals taken <br />from shelter or other sources. For most smaller rescuers, income from "adoptions" (which are <br />tax-free sales) or donations is self -reported online. <br />There is also no background check, insurance, educational or experience requirement to start <br />"rescuing" and re -homing animals in most jurisdictions. <br />IT IS TIME FOR SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS ANIMAL SHELTERING <br />The world of animal sheltering has become an economic issue, often ignoring animal and human <br />welfare. It places the responsibility for the future of impounded animals with those who have no <br />authority and no strict legal obligations and standards for veterinary or other care and imposes <br />no mandates for public health and safety. <br />Many good-hearted rescuers find themselves in hoc_ si �_ :.:`Dns--caused by the same <br />agencies that are later reluctant to act on behalf of the animals or take legal action because it will <br />mean impounding them and possibly not maintaining or reaching Best Friends"'No Kill" goal. <br />