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(3) Is within the scope of the risks set forth in the DESCRIPTION OF HAZARDS provisions. <br />Full Excess Medical Expense: <br />If an Injury to the Covered Person results in his incurring Eligible Expenses for any of the services in the <br />SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS, we will pay the Eligible Expenses incurred, subject to the Deductible Amount and <br />Coinsurance Percentage (if any), that are in excess of Expenses payable by any other Health Care Plan, <br />regardless of any Coordination of Benefits provision contained in such Health Care Plan. <br />The Covered Person must be under the care of a Doctor when the Eligible Expenses are incurred. The Expense <br />must be incurred solely for the treatment of a covered Injury: <br />(1) While the person is insured under this Certificate; or <br />(2) During the Benefit Period stated on the SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS. <br />The first Expense must be incurred within the time frame shown on the SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS. <br />The total of all medical benefits payable under this Certificate Is shown on the SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS; and <br />(1) Subject to the specific maximums shown on the SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS; and <br />(2) Subject to compliance with the requirement, set forth in the Limitations section of this Certificate, <br />Non -Duplication of Benefits Provision: <br />This provision applies if a Covered Person: <br />(1) Is covered by any other blanket or group health care plan; and <br />(2) Would, as a result, receive total medical expense or service benefits in excess of the expenses actually <br />incurred. <br />In this case, the medical expense benefits we will pay under this Certificate will be reduced by such excess. This <br />provision does not apply if we would be primary under any coordination of benefit guidelines contained in the <br />other health care plans. <br />PROVISIONS CONCERNING COVERED PERSONS <br />Eligibility: <br />Persons eligible to be insured under this Certificate are those persons described as an ELIGIBLE CLASS on the <br />Application who have completed any applicable Service Waiting Period. This includes anyone who may become <br />eligible while this Certificate is in force. <br />Effective Dates: <br />A Covered Person will become an insured under this Certificate, provided proper premium payment is made, on <br />the latest of: <br />(1) The Effective Date of this Certificate; or <br />(2) The day he becomes eligible according to the referenced date shown in the Application. <br />Termination: <br />Insurance for a Covered Person will end on the earliest of: <br />(1) The date he is no longer in an Eligible Class. <br />(2) The date he reports for active duty in any Armed Forces, according to the referenced date shown in the <br />Application. We will refund, upon receipt of proof of service, any premium paid, calculated from the date <br />active duty begins until the earlier of: <br />(a) The date the premium is fully earned; or <br />(b) The Expiration Date of this Certificate. <br />This does not include Reserve or National Guard duty for training; <br />(3) The and of the period for which the last premium contribution is made; or <br />(4) The date the Group Policy is terminated. <br />GAC26932 <br />