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Following our review of your Grievance, we must Issue a written decision to you and, if applicable, to your <br />representative or provider, within 20-days after receiving the Grievance. The written decision must include: <br />(1) The name(s), title(s) and professional qualifications of any person(s) participating in the First Level <br />Review process. <br />(2) A statement of the reviewer's understanding of the Grievance. <br />(3) The specific reason(s) for the reviewer's decision in clear terms and the contractual basis or medical <br />rationale used as the basis for the decision in sufficient detail for the Insured to respond further to our <br />position. <br />(4) A reference to the evidence or documentation used as the basis for the decision. <br />(5) If the claim denial is based on medical necessity, experimental treatment or similar exclusion, <br />instructions for requesting an explanation of the scientific or clinical rationale used to make the <br />determination. <br />(6) A statement advising you of your right to request a Second Level Review, if applicable, and a <br />description of the procedure and timeframes for requesting a Second Level Review, <br />Second Level Review <br />The -Second Level Review process is available if you are not satisfied with the outcome of the First <br />level Review for an Adverse Determination. Within ten business days after receiving a request for a Second Level <br />Review, we will advise you of the following: <br />(1) the name, address, and telephone number of a person designated to coordinate the Grievance review <br />for the Company; <br />(2) a statement of your rights, including the right to: <br />• attend the Second Level Review <br />• present his/her case to the review panel; <br />• submit supporting materials before and at the review meeting; <br />ask questions of any member of the review panel; <br />• be assisted or represented by a person of his/her choice, including a provider, family member, <br />employer representative, or attorney. <br />• request and receive from us free of charge, copies of all relevant documents, records and other <br />information that is not confidential or privileged that were considered in making the Adverse <br />Determination. <br />We must convene a review panel and hold a review meeting within 45-days after receiving a request for a Second <br />Level Review. We will notify you in writing of the meeting date at least 15-days prior to the date. The review <br />meeting will be held during regular business hours at a location reasonable accessible to you. In cases where a <br />face-to-face meeting is not practical for geographic reasons, we will offer you the opportunity to communicate with <br />the review panel at our expense by conference call or other appropriate technology. Your right to a full review may <br />not be conditioned on whether or not you appear at the meeting. <br />If you choose to be represented by an attorney, we may also be represented by an attorney. If we choose to have <br />an attorney present to represent our interests, we will notify you at least 15 working days in advance of the review <br />that an attorney will be present and that you may wish to obtain legal representation of your own. <br />The panel must be comprised of persons who: <br />(1) were not previously involved In any matter giving rise to the Second Level Review; <br />(2) are not employees of the Company or Utilization Review Organization; and <br />(3) do not have a financial interest in the outcome of the review. <br />A person previously involved in the Grievance may appear before the panel to present information or answer <br />questions. <br />All persons reviewing a Second Level Grievance involving a Utilization Review non -certification or a clinical issue <br />will be providers who have appropriate expertise, including at least one clinical peer. If we use a clinical peer on an <br />appeal of a Utilization Review non -certification or on a First Level Review, we may use one of our employees on <br />the Second Level Review panel if the panel is comprised of 3 or more persons. <br />Grievance r� <br />