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Particularly noteworthy is that the commercial building would be constricted on 301 N. Tustin <br />Avenue, and include a "1,258 square foot eating establishment with drive -through service." The drive <br />through lane was designed to "wrap around the entire building, with the entrance at the south end of the <br />building traveling up and around the east elevation." The Drive through lane met the City's stacking <br />requirements and allowed for approximately 15 cars to queue. (See Exhibit F.) <br />Similarly, the massive express car wash for the 2019 revised Project approved by the <br />Commission, was also situated on 301 N. Tustin Avenue. The car wash tunnel is located adjacent to the <br />southern property line, just like the drive -through for the 2018 Retail Project, and follows along the east <br />side of the property to exit. The stacking lane for the car wash also allows for approximately 15 cars to <br />queue. Attached hereto as Exhibit J are the site plans for the 2018 Retail Project and the 2019 Car <br />Wash Project. These plans illustrate the dramatic similarity between the drive-thru restaurant and the <br />large express car wash. <br />This is brought to the Council's attention because it is believed that the Applicant initially <br />proposed the project plan with the drive-thru restaurant to manipulate the Commission and ultimately <br />the City into granting the general plan amendment that re -designated the 301 N. Tustin Avenue to <br />General Commercial, and to rezone 301 and 325 N. Tustin Avenue from Professional to General <br />Commercial (C2). This amendment and the zone change were necessary because in order to approve <br />the CUP for the 2018 Retail Project for the drive -through restaurant, the General Plan Land Use <br />designation and the zoning designation had to be consistent. It is believed that the Applicant always <br />intended to develop the express car wash proposed in the 2019 revised Car Wash Plan, and only <br />submitted the original 2018 Retail Project plans because the Applicant anticipated less opposition (or no <br />opposition) to a retail building and a drive-thru restaurant than a supersized express car wash. <br />In fact, it is noted in the Commission's staff report for the Project that "the property owner has <br />revised the project to include a car wash component instead of a retail development. The current <br />property owner has been in the car wash industry for over 30 years and operates six locations in Orange <br />County." (Staff Report, p. 3-4.) Unlike the property owner/Applicant, Chace Russell/Russell Fischer <br />LP, the Conklin's only own Speedie Wash, and thus do not have other successful car washes to help <br />absorb any future losses it may suffer. Moreover, Richard Finkel, the individual representing the <br />property owner and Applicant Chace Russell/Russell Fischer LP, is a member of the Irvine Advisory <br />Group committee ("IAG"). The Irvine Advisory Group is a consultancy headed by Paul Dadgar that has <br />specialized in all facets of the carwash industry for over 25 years. The listed services of the IAG are to <br />"provide[] assistance and independent analysis to operators currently in the carwash industry, <br />developers, US and International investors.,." Attached hereto as Exhibit K is bio information on <br />Richard Finkel and the IAG. <br />24 <br />75A-34 <br />