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for another car wash company that can scoop up the property. <br />Chances are, your new neighbor could size you up for your <br />weaknesses and do to you what you did to your corn petition. <br />What to Da Instead to Crow Your Business <br />5o, if building too close to another car wash is a bad idea, what <br />should you do? Many car wash owners consider the 3-mile rule to <br />be the law of the land. It is both a courtesy rule and a way to avoid <br />the pitfalls of too many hands in the same cookie jar. <br />If you can't pick your ideal location for a car wash because <br />someone else beat you to it, find a place that is almost just as <br />good. If you are focused on good business principles for your car <br />wash https-// <br />owners/]., you could end up building a car wash that is good <br />enough for people to go out of their way to visit. <br />UP NEXT <br />75A-53 <br />