The undersigned contractor or corporate officer, during the porfirmrmce of'this contract, ccrtilles as follows:
<br />The Coniramorshall not disrrh iinatn against any employee or applicant fbretnpleymunt hecauseoCrow, color, reli6ion,
<br />sex, or national miy it. The Commuter shell take affirmative action to enuare that applicants are employed, and that
<br />employers are located tinting cniploymonr without, regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or notional origin. Such
<br />action shall include, hot nut he limited to, tic fallowing; ernployuteer, upgrading„ demotion, or inowfor; recruitment Tor
<br />recruitment advertising; layoff tor larmhlation; rotes of' pay or other forans Of'compenantion; and selection for training,
<br />including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post In conspicuous plaM, available to cmptoyeoa and upplicunts
<br />for omploytnent, notices to be provided scuing fold, file provisions of this nondlsorindnattoa clause.
<br />2. The Connaanr shall, in all solicitations or adverlisetnemx for anl+pkyees pissed ly oran Psebalf ul'tha Cnnractvr, state
<br />that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for oaploymuN without regard to rasa, color. religion, sox, or
<br />national origin.
<br />9. The Commotorsitali sclld to Cecil labor anion orropresentativoofworkers with which helshchas a collmlivebarp„ainfng
<br />Agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to bu provided advising the said Isbar union or workorq
<br />representatives of the Conannuor's commitments order this section, and shall post copies of the notice in codupicuum
<br />piston available to employees and applicants for employment.
<br />4. The Contractor shall comply wish all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of tle mien,
<br />raandndvns, and relovant "data of the 5ocrvtary of Labor.
<br />S. The Contractor shall fbmish all intotmntion and reports required by Executive order 11246 Of September 24, 1965, and
<br />by Nlvs, rcunlEnlons, and orders of the Seerchuy of labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his/her books,
<br />records, and accounts by iha adarinisdcring agency and the Secrntnry of Labor for parposes oFllvestigsti<m, to neon ens
<br />compliance with such rules, regulations, Told orders,
<br />6. In the event of tite Contractor's no» ,comphance with file noadisceimination clauses of ibis contract or with any of the
<br />said roles, regulations, or orders, the contract may its Orm clod, Wnnlnated, or %lapanded ,l whole or in part and the
<br />Contractor may be declared ineligible for further tlovor anoto contracts or foderaliy nasistod construction contacts in
<br />accoiduau¢ with proeedmvn suthorized in Meoution Order 11246 of September24, 1965, and such otharsanctions may
<br />be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in I`xwutive Order 11246 of September 24, 1%5, or by rule, rogulationu,
<br />or orthur of Hie Secretary of Laboi% oras otherwise provided by law.
<br />City of Santa Ana RFP I MM
<br />Attachment 5 (page 1 of 2)
<br />