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SB 2 Planning Grants Application <br />Attachment 1: State and Other Planning Priorities Certification (Page 1 of 3) <br />Pursuant to Section 201(d) of the Guidelines, all applicants must demonstrate that the locality is consistent with <br />State Planning or Other Planning Priorities by certifying that at least one activity was completed in 1) State <br />Planning Priorities (i.e., Infill and Equity, Resource Protection, Efficient Development Patterns) or 2) Other <br />Planning Priorities (i.e., Affordability, Conservation, or Climate Change). Consistency may be demonstrated <br />through activities (not necessarily proposed for SB 2 funding) that were completed within the last five years. <br />Complete the following self -certification by selecting one or more of the policy areas in the following tables by <br />inserting the date completed for each applicable action, briefly describing the action taken, and certifying. <br />State Planning Priorities <br />Date Completed <br />I Brief Description of the Action Taken <br />Promote Infill and Equity <br />Rehabilitating, maintaining, and improving existing infrastructure that supports Infill development and <br />appropriate reuse and redevelopment of previously developed, underutilized land that is presently served by <br />transit, streets, water, sewer, and other essential services, particularly in underserved areas. <br />5/9/16 <br />Approved adaptive reuse project involving the conversion of an existing 5-story office building to <br />affordable multifamily residential development with commercial uses. <br />Seek or utilize funding or support strategies to facilitate opportunities for inflll development. <br />3/24/17 <br />Awarded SCAG Sustainability Planning Grant to locate and vet key nodes for infill development through <br />GP Update and creation of public realm plans. <br />Other (describe how this meets subarea objective) <br />Promote Resource Protection <br />Protecting, preserving, and enhancing the state's most valuable natural resources, including working <br />landscapes such as farm, range, and forest lands, natural lands such as wetlands, watersheds, wildlife habitats, <br />and other wildlands; recreation lands such as parks, trails, greenbelts, and other open space; and landscapes <br />with locally unique features and areas identified by the state as deserving special protection. <br />Actively seek a variety of funding opportunities to promote resource protection in underserved communities. <br />Other describe how this meets subarea objective <br />Encourage Efficient Development Patterns <br />Ensuring that any infrastructure associated with development, other than inflll development, supports new <br />development that does the following: <br />1 Uses land efficient) . <br />CA-HCD SB 2 PGP Paf e5P 713 2019 Year-1 Grant Application <br />