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SCE Doe, 319076, 326955, 315675 Att. Contract No, 9.3275 <br />(formerly Contract No. L2167) <br />property, building(s), fixture(s) or structure(s) shall be doomed abandoned by the Licensee, and the <br />Licensor shall have the right, but not the obligation, to remove, destroy, sell or otherwise dispose of them <br />with no further notice to Licensee. Licensor shall not be required to seek and/or obtain judicial relief <br />(including, but not limited to, the filing of an unlawful detainer action), nor shall Licensor be responsible <br />for the value of Licensee's personal property. <br />Licensor shall have the right to charge and recover from Licensee all costs and expenses incurred by <br />Licensor related to (1) the removal, disposal or sale of Licensee's personal property, building(s), fixture(a) <br />or structure(a), (it), the removal of any waste, weeds, or debris on the Property, (iii) environmental studies <br />and environmental remediation and/or cleanup attributable to Licensee's use of the Property, and (iv) <br />the restoration of the Property to the condition it was in prior to Licensor's initial use of the Properly. <br />Licensee Woes to pay such expenses to Licensor upon demand. <br />32, Limitation of isiabilfty: <br />33, Non -Possessory Interest; Licensor retains Hull possession of the Property and Licensee <br />vM not acquire any possessory interest, whether temporary, permanent, or otheiryvise by reason of this <br />Agreement, or by the exercise of the permission given herein. Licensee will make no claim to any such <br />Interest and Licensee will not claim that it has or ever had an irrevocable license in the Property, <br />34. Waiver; Licensor shall not be deemed to waive any provision o£this Agreement orally or <br />by conduct. Any waiver by Licensor of any provision of this Agreement must be in a writing signed by <br />Licensor. No waiver by Licensor of any provision shall be deemed a waiver of any other provision or of <br />any subsequent breach by Liceneee of the same or any other provision. Licensor's consent to or approval <br />of any act shall not be. deemed to render unnecessary the obtaining of Licensors consent to or approval <br />of any subsequent act by Licensee. Licensor's acceptance of payment after providing notice of <br />termination to Licensee shall not constitute a waiver of Licenser's termination of the Agreement. <br />35. Authority This Agreement is executed subject to General Order No. 69-C of the Public <br />Utilities Commission of the State of California dated and effective July 10, 1985, incorporated by this <br />reference. As set forth 1n General Order 69-C, this License is conditional upon the right of the <br />Licensor either on order of the Public Utilities Commission or an Grantor's own motion to resume the <br />use of that property (including, but not limited to the removal of any obstructions) whenever, in the <br />interest of Licensor's service to its patrons or consumers, it shall appear necessary or desirable to do no. <br />r' <br />initial <br />Lice or/Licensee <br />11- <br />Rev8 2016-05.11 Gs -KB <br />