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SCE Doc. 319076, 326965, 315675 Att. Contract No. 9,3275 <br />(Formerly Contract No, L2167) <br />ADDENDUM <br />TREES/LMOSCAVING <br />A. Existing landscaping improvements (trees, plants, and shrubs) have been inspected and <br />approved by Licensor, This written approval may be modified and/or rescinded by Licensor for <br />any reason whatsoever, <br />D. At any time, Licensor may require Licensee to modify and/or remove any or all such previously <br />approved improvements at Licensee's risk and expense and without any compensation from <br />Licensor, <br />C. Licensee agrees and accepts full responsibility for the maintenance and/or removal of all trees, <br />plants, and shrubs (vegetation) located on the properly. All costs associated with the <br />maintenance and/or removal of trees/vegetation will be the sole burden of Licensee. <br />D, Perlodically, the Property will be inspected by Licensor, and upon determination that any <br />tree/vegetation requires trimming or removal, Licensee will be notified by Licensor. Failure by <br />Licensee to trim or remove said treo/vegetation in the time allotted, that results in Licenser's <br />contractor performing the work, Licensee will be billed by Licensor for the contractor's expense; <br />and Licensee may be subject to termination under the terms and conditions of the Permit or <br />License. <br />E. 'frees/vegetation must be slow growing and maintained by Licensee to not exceed fifteen (15) feet <br />in height. <br />F. Failure by Licensee to maintain all permit or license clearance requirements will require removal <br />at Licensee's expense, <br />Ci. Unless authorized in writing by Licensor, Licensee agreea hot to plant any additional trees, <br />plants, or shrubs within the Property, if additional authorization is requested by Licensee and <br />prior written authorization is received by Licensor, no tree or plant species that is protected by <br />federal or state law shall be planted vAthin Licensor's land and no cactus or thorny <br />shrubs/plants will be permitted. <br />H. Any impravements or alterations, including retaining walls, planters, placement of large rocks, <br />etc, and any mounds or ehangea of grade, require prior written approval by Licensor. <br />1. Licensee will keep the Property clean, tree from woods, rubbish and debris, and in a condition <br />satisfactory to Licensor. <br />J. Upon permit or license termination, Licensee agrees to remove all trees/vegetation and <br />Improvements and restore the Property to a condition satisfactory, to Licensor, at the sole expense <br />of Licensee, <br />Initial (/) <br />Licensor/Licensee <br />•7- <br />2014.12.01-,V11-C}9-KB <br />