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SCAQMD's cumulative air quality methodology provides that if an individual project results in air <br />emissions of criteria pollutants that exceed the SCAQMD's daily thresholds for project -specific impacts, <br />then the project would also result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of criteria pollutant(s). As <br />shown in the DEIR, implementation of the Project would not exceed SCAQMD's applicable thresholds. <br />Therefore, impacts related to a cumulatively considerable net increase of a criteria pollutant for which the <br />Project region is in non -attainment would not be cumulatively considerable and would be less than <br />significant. For these reasons, also discussed previously in Section 9.3.3 of these Findings, and in Section <br />4.2, Air Quality, of the DEIR, the Project's cumulative effects on air quality would not be cumulatively <br />considerable. (DEIR, pp. 4.2-7.) This conclusion also applies, for the same reasons, to the Modified <br />Project. <br />9.17.3 Biological Resources <br />The Project site is developed and located within an urban area of the City. The site provides limited areas <br />for natural habitat and wildlife species; but does include mature trees that could be used by birds that are <br />protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) for nesting. Thus, implementation of Mitigation <br />Measure BIO-1 would provide for nesting bird surveys that would reduce the potential of the Proposed <br />Project to impact nesting migratory birds or raptors, which would also avoid the potential of the Project <br />to contribute to cumulative effects. As detailed in the DEIR, the Project would result in less than <br />significant impacts to all other candidate, sensitive, or special status species. Therefore, therefore with <br />Mitigation Measure BIO-1, the proposed Project would not contribute to cumulative impacts that could <br />potentially occur from other development projects. <br />For these reasons detailed in the DEIR, the Project's cumulative effects on biological resources would not <br />be cumulatively considerable when considered with past, current, and future probable projects. (DEIR, <br />pp. 4.3-5.) This conclusion also applies, for the same reasons, to the Modified Project. <br />9.17.4 Cultural Resources <br />As detailed in DEIR Section 4.4, Cultural/Historic Resources, due to the existing built environment, <br />location of the Santa Ana Register of Historic Properties of properties in Park Santiago, and the existing <br />viewsheds, impacts related to the setting and feeling aspects of integrity of historic properties would not <br />be reduced by implementation of the proposed Project; and the Project would not materially alter any <br />physical characteristics of a historic resource that convey its historical significance. Therefore, the Project <br />would not contribute to cumulative impacts that could potentially occur from other development projects <br />throughout the region, and a cumulatively considerable impact would not occur. <br />For these reasons detailed in the DEIR, the Project's cumulative effects on cultural resources would not <br />be cumulatively considerable when considered with past, current, and future probable projects. (DEIR, <br />pp. 4.4-15.) This conclusion also applies, for the same reasons, to the Modified Project. <br />9.17.5 Geology, Soils and Seismicity <br />Geologic and soils related impacts occur in a local or site -specific context, such as immediately adjacent <br />cumulative development. Thus, the scope of analysis for cumulative impacts associated with geology and <br />soils encompasses the Project vicinity. The closest cumulative project is the 2700 North Main Street <br />residential development that is located 0.2 miles north of the Project site. The Project would be required <br />Resolution No. Page 58 of 76 <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />