The Initial Study (DEIR Appendix A) details that Section 18-156 of the City of Santa Ana Municipal
<br />Code requires all new development and significant redevelopment within the City be undertaken in
<br />accordance with the County Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP), including but not limited to the
<br />development project guidance; and any conditions and requirements established by City agencies related
<br />to the reduction or elimination of pollutants in storm water runoff from the Project site, which are verified
<br />prior to the issuance by the City of a grading permit or building permit. The DAMP requires
<br />implementation of site design, source control and treatment control Best Management Practices (BMPs).
<br />In addition, because the proposed Project is a priority project as it would replace more than 5,000 square
<br />feet of impervious surface on an already developed site, it would be required to implement a Water Quality
<br />Management Plan (WQMP) that includes Low Impact Development (LID) features and BMPs to limit the
<br />potential for pollutants to enter surface water, such as storm water runoff. With implementation of these
<br />requirements, the Project would result in a less than significant impact related to hydrology and water
<br />quality. In addition, all of the cumulative projects would be required to adhere to these State and County
<br />regulations, which would reduce cumulative impacts to a less than significant level.
<br />Also, as discussed in the Initial Study, the Project would not result in any significant effects relating to
<br />hydrology and water quality. (Initial Study, pp. 39-44.) Accordingly, the Project will not have cumulative
<br />effects relating to hydrology and water quality, even when considered with past, current, and future
<br />probable projects, and cumulative effects would be less than cumulatively considerable. This conclusion
<br />also applies, for the same reasons, to the Modified Project.
<br />9.17.9 Land Use and Planning
<br />A large portion of the cumulative projects in the vicinity of the Project consist of multi -family residential
<br />development. In addition, the cumulative projects include mixed -uses, retail commercial, hotel, and
<br />services. These related projects are similar, consistent, and complementary to the proposed SD zone and
<br />multi -family residential development. DEIR Section 4.7, Land Use and Planning, describes that the
<br />Project would not result in conflicts with existing land use or zoning designations and would not conflict
<br />with an applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the Project,
<br />which has the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect, including applicable regulations,
<br />policies, and standards of the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and the SCAG RTP/SCS. Thus, the Project
<br />would not cumulatively contribute to such an impact that could occur from related projects.
<br />For these reasons detailed in the DEIR, the Project's cumulative effects relating to land use and planning
<br />would not be cumulatively considerable when considered with past, current, and future probable projects.
<br />(DEIR, pp. 4.7-34.) This conclusion also applies, for the same reasons, to the Modified Project.
<br />9.17.10 Noise
<br />Construction noise is localized in nature and decreases substantially with distance. Consequently, in order
<br />to achieve a substantial cumulative increase in construction noise levels, more than one source emitting
<br />high levels of construction noise would need to be in close proximity to the proposed Project. The nearest
<br />related project to the Project site is the 2700 North Main Street residential development project is located
<br />0.2 miles north of the Project site and is in the site plan review stage of development approval. Thus, it is
<br />likely that these projects would not be constructed simultaneously. hi addition, should construction of the
<br />projects overlap, the distance between the sites and the numerous intervening structures located between
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<br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR
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