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2019-107 - Proposed Addington Multi-Family Residential Project
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2019-107 - Proposed Addington Multi-Family Residential Project
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11/25/2019 11:00:29 AM
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infrastructure facilities that do not presently exist in the Project area, or by expansion of public services <br />in the Project area. The infrastructure needed to serve the Project would be sized to specifically serve the <br />site and excess capacity would not be developed that could generate additional growth; and the Project <br />would not create a demand for public services beyond what is already contemplated. <br />Additionally, as described in Section 5.0, Mandatory Findings of Significance, of the DEIR, SCAG <br />projections show that the jobs — housing ratio is anticipated to increase to 1.65 by 2040; and that the <br />Project would reduce the jobs -housing ratio slightly to 2.05; and to 2.11 in 2040. This would be a <br />beneficial effect of providing multi -family housing on the Project site, where employees can easily travel <br />to employment opportunities within the Santa Ana and City of Orange areas, which are jobs -rich. Thus, <br />the Project would provide additional housing to support the regionally forecasted increase in economic <br />activities. In addition, the provision of housing on the Project site would not result in economic activity <br />that would cause the need for additional off -site housing. Therefore, impacts would be less than <br />significant. <br />For the reasons discussed above and the reasons discussed in the DEIR, growth inducing impacts from <br />implementation of the Project would be less than significant. (DEIR, p. 5-1 through 5-3.) This conclusion <br />also applies, for the same reasons, to the Modified Project. <br />12.0 FINDINGS REGARDING ALTERNATIVES <br />12.1 Background <br />Where significant impacts are identified, section 15126.6 of the CEQA Guidelines requires EMS to <br />consider and discuss alternatives to the proposed actions. Subsection (a) states: <br />(a) An FIR shall describe a range of reasonable alternatives to the project, or to the <br />location of the project, which would feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of <br />the project but would avoid or substantially lessen any of the significant effects of <br />the project and evaluate the comparative merits of the alternatives. An FIR need not <br />consider every conceivable alternative to a project. Rather it must consider a <br />reasonable range of potentially feasible alternatives that will foster informed <br />decision -making and public participation. An FIR is not required to consider <br />alternatives which are infeasible. The lead agency is responsible for selecting a range <br />of project alternatives for examination and must publicly disclose its reasoning for <br />selecting those alternatives. There is no ironclad rule governing the nature or scope <br />of the alternatives to be discussed other than the rule of reason. <br />Subsection 15126.6(b) states the purpose of the alternatives analysis: <br />(b) Because an EIR must identify ways to mitigate or avoid the significant effects that a <br />project may have on the environment (Public Resources Code Section 21002.1), the <br />discussion of alternatives shall focus on alternatives to the project or its location <br />which are capable of avoiding or substantially lessening any significant effects of the <br />project, even if these alternatives would impede to some degree the attainment of the <br />project objectives, or would be more costly. <br />In subsection 15126.6(c), the State CEQA Guidelines describe the selection process for a range of <br />reasonable alternatives: <br />Resolution No. Page 66 of 76 <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />
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