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Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081(b) and the CEQA Guidelines Section 15093, the City <br />has balanced the benefits of the Project against the following unavoidable adverse impacts associated <br />with the Project and has adopted all feasible mitigation measures with respect to these impacts. The City <br />also has examined alternatives to the Project, most of which do not meet the Project objectives and are <br />environmentally preferable to the Project for the reasons discussed in the Findings and Facts in Support <br />of Findings. <br />The City of Santa Ana, the Lead Agency for this Project, having reviewed the DEIR for the Project and <br />reviewed all written materials within the City's public record and heard all oral testimony presented at <br />public hearings, adopts this Statement of Overriding Considerations, which has balanced the benefits of <br />the Project against its significant unavoidable adverse environmental impacts in reaching its decision to <br />approve the Project. <br />Overriding Considerations <br />The City, after balancing the specific economic, legal, social, technological and other benefits, including <br />region -wide or statewide environmental benefits of the Project, has determined that the unavoidable <br />adverse environmental impact identified above may be considered acceptable due to the following <br />specific considerations which outweigh the unavoidable, adverse environmental impact of the Project, <br />in accordance with Public Resources Code Section 2108I(b) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15093. Each <br />of the benefits identified below provides a separate and independent basis for overriding the significant <br />environmental effects of the Project. The specific economic, legal, social, technological and other <br />benefits of the Project are as follows: <br />1. The Project would implement capital investment to enhance the City's economic and fiscal <br />viability pursuant to the City of Santa Ana Strategic Plan. <br />2. The Project would implement the General Plan Scenic Corridors Element Major City Entry <br />designation along N. Main Street at the Project site. <br />3. The Project would implement the General Plan Urban Design Element Main Street at I-5 Freeway <br />Gateway designation. <br />4. The Project would provide consistency with the General Plan Scenic Corridors Element Inter - <br />City Corridor designation along the Santiago Creek area at N. Main Street. <br />5. The Project would provide needed multi -family rental housing to improve the City's 3.2 percent <br />vacancy rate and provide a variety of housing options for existing and future residents. <br />6. The Project would reduce the jobs -housing ratio, providing a beneficial effect of providing multi- <br />family housing in a jobs -rich area so that employees can easily travel to employment <br />opportunities. <br />7. The Project would result in a potential reduction of vehicle miles traveled and the related traffic <br />congestion, air quality, and greenhouse gas emissions from the provision of housing near regional <br />shopping areas and employment, and by improving the jobs -housing balance. <br />Resolution No. Page 75 of 76 <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />