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EXHIBIT C <br />2525 N. MAIN STREET MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT <br />MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br />1.1 Introduction <br />The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires a lead or public agency that approves or carries <br />out a project for which an Environmental Impact Report has been certified which identifies one or more <br />significant adverse environmental effects and where findings with respect to changes or alterations in the <br />project have been made, to adopt a "...reporting or monitoring program for the changes to the project which <br />it has adopted or made a condition of project approval in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the <br />environment' (CEQA, Public Resources Code Sections 21081, 21081.6). <br />A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) is required to ensure that adopted mitigation <br />measures are successfully implemented for the 2525 N. Main Street Multi -Family Residential Project <br />(project). The City of Santa Ana is the Lead Agency for the proposed project and is responsible for <br />implementation of the MMRP. This report describes the MMRP for the project and identifies the parties that <br />will be responsible for monitoring implementation of the individual mitigation measures in the MMRP. <br />1.2 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />The MMRP for the project will be active through all phases of the project, including design, construction, and <br />operation. The attached table identifies the mitigation program required to be implemented by the City for <br />the project to avoid or reduce potentially significant impacts on the environment. The table identifies the <br />timing of implementation, and the responsible party or parties for monitoring compliance. <br />The MMRP also includes a column for the compliance monitor (individual responsible for monitoring <br />compliance) to document when implementation of the measure is completed. As individual mitigation <br />measures are completed, the compliance monitor will sign and date the MMRP, indicating that the required <br />mitigation measure has been completed. <br />The project includes specific Project Design Features (PDFs) that are incorporated to avoid and/or minimize <br />potential environmental impacts. In addition, the EIR analysis describes the existing regulations that <br />effectively avoid or reduce environmental impacts. The PDFs and the existing regulations that are <br />implementable actions related to project construction and operation activities are included in the following <br />MMRP table to ensure implementation and appropriate monitoring of each, in the same manner as the <br />mitigation measures. <br />