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NS-2980 - Approving Amendment Application No. 2018-10 Rezoning Propety Located at 2525 North Main Street
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2020 (NS-2979 - NS-3000)
NS-2980 - Approving Amendment Application No. 2018-10 Rezoning Propety Located at 2525 North Main Street
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Last modified
1/23/2020 2:19:53 PM
Creation date
1/23/2020 2:18:36 PM
City Clerk
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2020-028 - Accepting the Certificate as to Verification of Signatures
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\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\2011 -\2020
NS-2988 - Repealing Ordinance No. NS-2980 Approving Amendment Application No. 2018-10 Rezoning Property Located at 2525 North Main Street
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\Ordinances\2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)\2020 (NS-2979 - NS-3000)
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SECrfON 14 — Watts/Fences standard in Specific Development No. 93 <br />(a) Gast property line. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, a solid block wall with <br />a minimum height of eight (8) feet shall be constructed along the east property line. <br />The block wall shall be designed to contain a decorative cap, regularly -spaced <br />decorative pilasters, and a decorative finish in accordance to the design provisions <br />contained within the most recent version of the City's design guidelines. <br />(b) North p1oMtv line. Prior to the issuance of the first building permit, a new wrought <br />iron fence shall be constructed. Ilse fence shall also incorporate decorative pilasters <br />located a maximum of 50 feet on center. Any walls and/or fences are limited to eight <br />(8) feet in height. <br />(c) South and West property line walls are prohibited. Within the front and street side <br />setbacks, walls andlor fences shall be limited to four (4) feet in height. <br />SECTION IS — Landscape standard in Specific Development N o. 93, <br />(a) A Landscape Plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect shall be submitted to the <br />Planning Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of budding permits. <br />The Irrigation Plan shall include an irrigation system layout with the location of <br />controllers and points of connection with data on valve sizes and gallons per minute <br />(G.PAL), the size and location of sleeves and all spray heads, including the location of <br />conventional systems and drip systems; an irrigation legend with complete <br />specifications; irrigation notes and construction details- of all assemblies and <br />components; a recommended irrigation schedule, preferably on an annual basis; and a <br />summary block on the initial page of submitted plans that will present the above <br />information clearly and accurately. Ilic landscape plan shall include a Plant Legend <br />containing: plant symbol, scientific name of plant material, common none of plant <br />material, plant container size, and plant spacing. Very low, low and modium water <br />usage plant materials are encouraged. The landscape plan shall provide across section <br />of the eastern planter showing tyre planter at time of planting, after five (5) years and at <br />full maturity. The cross section shall de-rrmxnstrate the landscaping will adeluately <br />screen the project from the adjacent residential uses along the eastern portion of die <br />Property. A minimum size of 36-inch box trees shall be planted along sheet setbacks, <br />open span: areas and shared parking areas. <br />(b) Per the arbonst report dated May 4, 2018: <br />(1) Retain and protect in place the existing eleven (11) healthy Ficus da najamnina <br />trees adjacent to the cut property line. <br />(2) Remove the existing eight (8) unhealthy trees (Lirrtnidarribar s(p-ac#7ua) in <br />the eastern planter and plant eight (8) minimum size of 60-irnch box trees in <br />their place. <br />6 of 12 <br />Ordinance No. NS-2980 <br />Page 17 of 23 <br />
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