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NS-2980 - Approving Amendment Application No. 2018-10 Rezoning Propety Located at 2525 North Main Street
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2020 (NS-2979 - NS-3000)
NS-2980 - Approving Amendment Application No. 2018-10 Rezoning Propety Located at 2525 North Main Street
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Last modified
1/23/2020 2:19:53 PM
Creation date
1/23/2020 2:18:36 PM
City Clerk
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2020-028 - Accepting the Certificate as to Verification of Signatures
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\Resolutions\CITY COUNCIL\2011 -\2020
NS-2988 - Repealing Ordinance No. NS-2980 Approving Amendment Application No. 2018-10 Rezoning Property Located at 2525 North Main Street
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\Ordinances\2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)\2020 (NS-2979 - NS-3000)
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(2) The cast wall of the parking structure shall incorporate screen materials and <br />be designed to s;nen the views from the amenitydeck or parking structure to <br />the neighborhood. <br />(b) Green Buildin& Alternative Transportation and Energy Source, Resource <br />Conservation, and LEED Certification. The project shall be onrstrwcti-d to Silver <br />Standard or better LEED equivalent and shall at the minimum, incorporate bike lockers, <br />bike sharing programing, electric vehicle charging stations, rain capturing systems, <br />grey water capturing systems, and to the extent feasible, automobile sharing <br />programing. <br />(c) Public Art Public Art shall be installed, and maintained with a value equivalent to one- <br />half of one percent (0.5%) of the total construction cost of the Project. Total <br />construction cost shall mean all design, engineering and construction costs. A public <br />art plan shall be prepared and submitted to the City no later than one hundred eight <br />(180) days before final approval for occupancy or the issuance of a certificate of <br />occupancy and the approved art shall be installs d prior to final approval for occupancy <br />of the i ss ua rx e of a Ctrtificate of Occupancy for the Project. <br />(d) Storage. A minimum of 250 cubic feet of storage, in addition to interwr bedroom <br />closets, shall he provided with minimum dimensions of 4 feet by 8 feet per unit. <br />(o Hardscape materials. Enhanecd paving materials shall be installed at the Main Street <br />driveway entrance. The actual paving materials shall be approved b; the Planning <br />Division- <br />(f) Li_ghtank, standardsifixtures. The light fixtures are to integrate design elements of the <br />budding and landscape architecture. Lighting is to be designed to confine tlx: direct <br />rays of the anifncial lighting within the boundaries of the. development. Specifications <br />of light standards+'fixturrs and photometrics plan shall be submitted to Planning <br />Division for review and approval by the Planning Division prior to the issuance of <br />building permits. <br />(g) Composite Utility Plan. Composite utilities shall nut be allowed within required <br />parking, turnaround and landscape areas or on any facade facing a public strut. <br />(h) Mechanical Equipment. Appurtenances, and Conduits. All mechanical cyuipment, <br />heating, ventilation, air ennditining (H VAC) units, sa tellite d °ash systems, .solar panels, <br />thermal solar heaters, utility meters, above ground utility and fire safety connections <br />will be, screened, located out of public view or be arehitectural integrated into the <br />project design within designated moms, inside walls, behind parapets, or through a <br />combination of landscape and hardscape materials- <br />(i) Trash Enclosures. T-rash bins shall be stored in designated trash enclosures_ There shall <br />be an onsite designated) trash staging area only to be used on service mays and the <br />staging area and bins shall not disrupt vehicular use of the driveeway. The minimum <br />requirerncuts needed to service the location shall be clearly indicated on the plans and <br />8of12 <br />Ordinance No. NS-2980 <br />Page 19 of 23 <br />
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