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Enterprise Enrollment <br />Early Commitment <br />Amendment ID M325 <br />For the purposes of this Amendment, "Entity" can mean the signing entity, Customer, Enrolled Affiliate, <br />Government Partner, Institution, or other party entering Into a volume licensing program agreement. <br />The parties agree that the Enrollment is amended by adding a section entitled "Early Commitment" <br />Early Commitment <br />a. In this Amendment, "Entity' can mean the signing entity, Customer, Enrolled Affiliate, <br />Government Partner, Institution, or other party entering into a volume licensing program <br />agreement. <br />b. This renewal may be earlier than the required timeline. The effective date of this Enrollment <br />shall be one day following the Expiring Enrollment, <br />c. Entity's initial order under this Enrollment includes a renewal of Entity's Software Assurance <br />andlor Subscription Licenses previously ordered under the Expiring Enrollment number <br />67631100 for the full term of the Expiring Enrollment from the day after expiration. The <br />following conditions apply to this renewal: <br />(1) Entity's final true -up order on the Expiring Enrollment shall be placed at the time this <br />Enrollment is signed and any contents of that true -up order that Entity wishes to renew <br />must also be added to this Enrollment's initial order. <br />(11) Any subsequent true -up orders placed under the Expiring Enrollment after the signing <br />of this Enrollment must be placed no later than 15 days prior to the Expiring <br />Enrollment's Expiration Date, and must be placed with the assistance of Entity's <br />Microsoft Account Manager, Software Advisor or Reseller. <br />(111) During the period between the execution and effective date of this Enrollment, Entity <br />may add new Products to the Expiring Enrollment. No later than 15 days prior to the <br />Expiring Enrollment's Expiration Date, Entity may renew Software Assurance or <br />Subscription Licenses for such Products under this Enrollment with the assistance of <br />Entity's Microsoft Account Manager, Software Advisor or Reseller by submitting a <br />supplemental order. <br />(Iv) Entity should tick the following box ❑ if this is the final True Up under their current <br />Expiring Agreement. <br />Except for changes made by these amendments, the Enrollment or Agreement identified above remains <br />unchanged and In full force and effect. If there is any conflict between any provision in these <br />amendments and any provision in the Enrollment or Agreement identified above, these amendments <br />shall control. <br />This Amendment must be attached to a signature form to be -valid. <br />Microsoft Internal Use Only: <br />(M97)EnrAmend(Ind)(InvolceforQuotedPrice)( <br />M97 <br />B <br />WW)(ENG Nov20l9 IU .docx <br />(M325)EnrAmend(EarlyCommitment)(VVW)(E <br />M325 <br />PLSS <br />NG)(June20l9 IU .docx <br />AmendmentApp v4.0 M97,M325 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />