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'r • 4) t <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO,:: M6906 <br />EDINGER AVE. AND BRISTOL ST. CLAM 11 BICYCLE LANES <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5,061(1,80) <br />BIDDER'S aTAT8MF ,NT <br />BIDDER understands and agrees that this Bid Proposal, -Contract Documents and subsequent <br />Construction Cpatr4et Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement hetweco BIDDER and the <br />AGENCY only after it has been, accepted by the City Council, endorsed by the Clerkof the Council <br />with her signature dud Official seat noting hereon the action of approval of the Council, signed by <br />the P iub lie Works Agency. Executive Director or his/her duly authorized agent, and signed by the City Attorney, denoting his approval of the form of this document and its ex0olotion,.Add when it <br />or -in exact copy of Jt has been OtberdeliveNd to,BIDDER or deposited With the United States <br />Postal Service properly addressed to the BIDDER with the, correct postage afilmd thereto. <br />BIDDER further agrees that upon delivery (as doffned abave) of the accepted agreement he/she <br />will furnish AGENCY all required bonds and m4ficate of liability insurance within too (10) <br />business days or the funds, check, draft, or BIDDERS bond substituted in Lieu thereof <br />accompanying this proposal shall become, the property of the AGENCY and shall be considered <br />as, payment of darnages due to the delay and other causes suffered by AGENCY because of the <br />failure to furnish the necessary bonds and betause it isdistinetly agreed that the proof of damages <br />actually suffered Is difficult to ascertain; otherwise said foods, check, drafts, or BIDDER'S bond <br />substituted In lieu thereof shall be returned to the undersigned. <br />BIDDER understands that 4 bid Is required for the entire work, the estimated quantities set forth <br />In the bid schedule are solelyfor the purpose ofoomparing bids, and that final compensation tinder <br />the contract will be bated upon the actual quantities of work satisfactorily Completed, 'I'lic <br />BIDDER also certifies that the bid is 4 balanced bid.. <br />In accordance with Section 7028,15 Of the California Business and Profession$ Code, the <br />undersigned certifies under penalty orperjury that the foregoing is true and correct. <br />Name of Final All American. Asphalt <br />Signature of BIDDER <br />Title <br />Edward J. Carlson, <br />President <br />((fan individual, so store, If a firm or co -partnership, state the finn name and give the names of <br />all individual co-partners composing the firm. If a corporation, state legal name of corporation, <br />and names of Pregidentj Secretary, Treasurer and Manager, thereof.) <br />P-4 of P-40 <br />