Laserfiche WebLink
which said adjustments are subject to the written approval of the CONSULTANT. <br />(c) Summary of Scheduled Contract Costs and Allocated Contingencies for Extra Work or <br />Services <br />The following represents Scheduled Contract Costs and Allocated Contingencies for extra work <br />or services covering Phase I and Phase II of this Agreement, together with Out -Year Support and <br />Maintenance Costs and Miscellaneous Allocated Contingencies. <br />Below is the summary of Scheduled Contract Costs and Allocated Contingencies by fiscal year: <br />Phase I <br />FY 2019/20: <br />(1) Upgrading existing enQuesta customer service information (CIS) system and ancillary utility <br />billing software modules (enQuesta Link Mobile and CIS Module) from version 4.5 to version 6.0 <br />and maintenance for each module - to be completed by 8/31/2020 (base amount $512,512.50, V <br />year of software Support & Maintenance $27,250, Travel expense $28,000, plus $42,500 overall <br />contingency). <br />(2) Information Technology Agency professional programming integration services as required (base <br />amount $25,000, plus $1,250 contingency). <br />FY 2020/21: <br />(1) Upgrading existing enQuesta customer service information (CIS) system and ancillary utility <br />billing software modules (enQuesta Link Mobile and GIS Module) from version 4.5 to version 6.0 <br />and Maintenance for each module - to be completed by 8/31/2020 (base amount $137,037.50, <br />Travel expense $42,000, plus $9,000 contingency). <br />Phase II <br />FY 2020/21: <br />(1) Upgrading existing enQuesta customer service information system Customer Portal (Web Connect) <br />to Capricorn (to be completed by 6/30/2021) — (base amount $185,000, V year of maintenance <br />$15,000, Travel expense $15,000, total $215,000). <br />a. Contingency for additional CONSULTANT integration services and Travel expense - as <br />required- for Capricorn Customer Portal - $37,000. <br />(2) Licensing and Maintenance for modules installed FY 19/20 - $209,931 (plus $14,000 <br />miscellaneous contingency, total $223,931). <br />(3) Information Technology Agency professional programming integration services as required (base <br />amount $25,000, plus $1,250 contingency). <br />Out -Year Support and Maintenance Costs and Miscellaneous Allocated Contingencies: <br />FY 2021/22: <br />1) On -going Licensing and Maintenance - $216,229 (plus $14,000 miscellaneous contingency, total <br />$230,229). <br />12 <br />25D-21 <br />