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TEMPLO <br />� CALVARIa <br />.Un:y ramwi. <br />March 3, 2020 <br />Dear Santa Ana City Council and Mayor: <br />I am writing this letter in support of THRIVE Santa Ana, the first community land trust (CLT) in Santa <br />Ana, promoting development based on local needs, local vision and resident participation. I urge you <br />today to approve the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with THRIVE Santa Ana, <br />Inc. for the Walnut and Daisy Micro -Farm project, including a 99-year lease. <br />The Walnut and Daisy project is an opportunity for the City of Santa Ana to model sustainability, <br />using the CLT model to combine powerful resident participation and smart land stewardship. Over <br />250 cities and diverse communities in the United States are using the CLT model to make development <br />projects more equitable and sustainable. <br />CLTs have demonstrated effectiveness in strengthening the economy throughout the US, especially in <br />neighborhoods of need. During the foreclosure crisis, CLTs outperformed other types of housing, with <br />far fewer foreclosures and higher rates of secure homeownership. As platforms for development, <br />CLTs bring together residents, developers, and City officials — something that is urgently needed <br />throughout Santa Ana. <br />The Walnut and Daisy Micro -Farm will provide much needed access to healthy food, economic <br />opportunity, locally grown produce at affordable rates, social and educational gathering space for all <br />ages. Urban farms have been shown to benefit local property values, tax benefits to the City as a <br />whole, as well as the physical and mental health of participants. <br />Please approve the Walnut and Daisy DDA that leads to CLT ownership of the land. The importance <br />of ownership in building community wealth is now well understood and accepted. Take this <br />opportunity to establish a framework for real economic growth in Santa Ana, rooted in the local <br />community. <br />Sincerely, n <br />Rev <br />2501 W. 5" St., Santa Ana, CA 92703 <br />(714) 543-3711— (714) 543-2399 Fax — <br />