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EXHIBIT A <br />® Stantec <br />December 18, 2019 <br />Attention: Mr. Rudy Rosas <br />City of Santa Ana, Public Works Agency <br />215 South Center Avenue, Building A <br />Santa Ana, CA 92703 <br />Reference: Water Rate Assistance Program Feasibility Study and Community Outreach Support, <br />Amendment No. 3 <br />Dear Mr. Roses, <br />As requested, Stantec Consulting Services Inc. (Stantec) is pleased to present this proposed third <br />amendment to the Water and Sewer Study to complete a feasibility study for the potential development of a <br />Water Rate Assistance Program (WRAP) and to provide community outreach support as needed. <br />The Purpose of the Project <br />The City of Santa Ana recently approved updates to the City's water and sewer rate structures along with a <br />five-year schedule of rate increases. In addition, it is anticipated that Metropolitan Water District (MWD) <br />and Orange County Water District (OCWD) will also increase the cost of providing water to the City, a cost <br />that will be passed onto rate payers. These rate increases are likely to place a burden on some of the <br />City's customers. <br />To provide some financial relief to the most vulnerable rate payers within the City of Santa Ana, Staff has <br />requested that Stantec and Hildebrand Consulting, LLC conduct a feasibility study to evaluate the legal and <br />procedural elements of creating a WRAP for the City of Santa Ana, and the current funding available to <br />deliver such a program. <br />The community outreach support task is geared to inform the public regarding how users may be impacted <br />by the newly adopted water and sewer rates. This outreach will address the study methodology, how the <br />revenue from the increased rates will be used, as well as other topics as needed. <br />Scope of the Requested Services <br />Stantec and Hildebrand Consulting, LLC will deliver the following scope of work regarding the WRAP: <br />1. Evaluate the legal constraints to establishing a WRAP in California along with any pending state <br />level initiatives; <br />2. Conduct a survey of other utilities in California that have implemented a WRAP; <br />3. Summarize the potential sources of funding and the range of funding requirements for the WRAP; <br />and <br />4. Provide a high-level description of implementation requirements, such as qualifying customers for <br />the program and identifying the level of assistance provided. <br />Design with community in mind <br />