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December 18, 2019 <br />Mr. Rudy Rosas <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />Reference: Water Rate Assistance Program Feasibility Study and Community Outreach Support, Amendment No.3 <br />Proposed Scope of Work <br />Based on our understanding of the City's requested services, we propose to complete the following tasks. <br />Task 1. Water Rate Assistance Program Feasibility Study <br />Task 1 a. Project Initiation <br />This initial task will be used to gather information and understand the City's Water Rate Assistance <br />Program needs. <br />To initialize the study, we will conduct a Project Kickoff Conference Call with staff to: <br />✓ Discuss key issues, roles and responsibilities <br />✓ Confirm study objectives and further explore project drivers <br />✓ Confirm data requirements as needed <br />✓ Finalize the project schedule, including key milestone dates and deliverables <br />Prior to the call, Stantec will provide a data request list outlining information needed, including but not <br />limited to City budgets, service area maps, and other items not already obtained through the recent rate <br />study. <br />Task lb. Evaluate the legal constraints to establishing a Water Rate Assistance Program in <br />California <br />Our team will prepare a deliverable that summarizes the legal constraints for implementing water rate <br />assistance programs in California, specifically addressing key elements of Proposition 218 and relevant <br />case law. We will also summarize the current status of any relevant state -level affordability initiatives (such <br />as the State Water Board's proposed Bill Assistance Program). <br />Finally, we will conduct a survey that describes affordability programs that have been implemented by other <br />California cities, including a description of the funding source (if made available). <br />Task 1 c. Potential Sources of Funding for the Water Rate Assistance Program <br />In this Task 1c, we will provide a description of all feasible sources of funding for the WRAP. Common <br />sources of funding are: <br />• Non -rate revenue within the water or sewer fund <br />• Discretionary tax revenues (transfers from the General Fund) <br />• Special taxes (ear -marked taxes) <br />• Voluntary bill donations from other customers <br />We will also research any external funding opportunities that may be available, including state assistance <br />programs from Task II. <br />Design with community in mind <br />