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Grant Agreement No. 4600011889 <br />Page 4 of32 <br />a) Substantial breaches of this Grant Agreement, or any supplement or amendment to it, or any <br />other agreement between Grantee and State evidencing or securing Grantee's obligations. <br />b) Making any false warranty, representation, or statement with respect to this Grant Agreement <br />or the application filed to obtain this Grant Agreement. <br />c) Failure to operate or maintain project(s) in accordance with this Grant Agreement (Paragraph <br />16). <br />d) Failure to make any remittance required by this Grant Agreement. <br />e) Failure to comply with Labor Compliance Program requirements (Paragraph 14). <br />f) Failure to submit timely progress reports. <br />g) Failure to routinely invoice State. <br />h) Failure to meet any of the requirements set forth in Paragraph 11, "Continuing Eligibility." <br />Should an event of default occur, State shall provide a notice of default to the Grantee and shall <br />give Grantee at least ten (10) calendar days to cure the default from the date the notice is sent <br />via first-class mail to the Grantee. If the Grantee fails to cure the default within the time prescribed <br />by the State, State may do any of the following: <br />1) Declare the funding be immediately repaid, with interest, at the California general <br />obligation bond interest rate at the time the State notifies the Grantee of the default. <br />2) Terminate any obligation to make future payments to Grantee. <br />3) Terminate the Grant Agreement. <br />4) Take any other action that it deems necessary to protect its interests. <br />In the event State finds it necessary to enforce this provision of this Grant Agreement in the <br />manner provided by law, Grantee agrees to pay all costs incurred by State Including, but not <br />limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, legal expenses, and costs. <br />11. CONTINUING ELIGIBILITY Grantee must meet the following ongoing requirement(s) to remain <br />eligible, to receive State funds: <br />a) An urban water supplier that receives grant funds governed by this Grant Agreement shall <br />maintain compliance with the Urban Water Management Planning (UWMP) Act (Water Code <br />§ 10610 et seq.) and Sustainable Water Use and Demand Reduction, Part 2.55 of Division 6 <br />(Water Code § 10608 et seq.) by doing the following: <br />1) Have submitted their 2015 UWMP and had it deemed consistent by DWR. For more <br />information, visit the following website: <br />htta//www.water ca o—v- rbagWatermanaaament. <br />2) By July 1, 2016, all urban water suppliers must have submitted documentation that <br />demonstrates they are meeting the 2015 interim GPCD target. If not meeting the interim <br />target, also include a schedule, financing plan, and budget for achieving the gallons per <br />capita per day (GPCD) target, as required pursuant to Water Code § 10608.24. Starting <br />June 30, 2017, those urban water suppliers that did not meet their 2015 GPCD target must <br />also submit, by June 30, annual reports that include a schedule, financing plan, and <br />budget for achieving the GPCD target (Water Code § 10608.24). <br />b) An agricultural water supplier receiving grant funding must: <br />