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Grant Agreement No. 4600011889 <br />Page 10 of32 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />WORK PLAN <br />The objective of this Agreement is to determine the strengths and needs of disadvantaged, economically distressed or <br />underrepresented communities in the watershed through engagement and education, uncover and share the needs and <br />capacities within the water agencies and communities, and assure integrated water management projects that are <br />supported by communities are made ready for implementation and prioritized in the OWOW Plan Update 2018. <br />PROGRAM ELEMENT 1: strengths & Needs Assessment <br />The combined activities of this program element will produce several outcomes. First, it will build upon earlier work, <br />participants in the OWOW process and the OWOW Plan Update 2018 will achieve a better understanding of the water <br />management needs of overburdened and underrepresented communities so that resources and funding can be more <br />effectively directed to meet those needs. Second, this program element will acknowledge and document the, strengths of <br />overburdened and underrepresented communities so that as programs are developed to meet their needs the <br />communities will have agency and be appropriately engaged in those efforts. Lastly, this program element will, through <br />its assessment process, create new networks of familiarity between local elected or community leaders and water <br />management leaders. <br />Activity 1 DCI Program Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) <br />The TAC will include a representative from each of the program partners and will recruit other members from <br />disadvantaged communities in the watershed. The TAC will meet at least quarterly to advise the DCI Program efforts, and <br />will assist with developing community connections. <br />Deliverables: <br />❑ Roster of TAC members <br />❑ Notice of Meetings <br />Activity 2 Disadvantaged and Tribal Communities Pillar <br />SAWPA will assist the Disadvantaged and Tribal Communities (DTC) Pillar workgroup to convene for workshops <br />approximately five times per year, through at least the completion of the OWOW Plan Update 2018. The Pillar workgroup <br />will develop the OWOW Plan Update 2018 chapter about overburdened and underrepresented communities. <br />Deliverables: <br />❑ Notice of Meetings <br />❑ Roster of DTC Pillar participants <br />❑ OWOW Plan Update 2018 Chapter <br />Activity 3 Engage Local Elected Leaders <br />The Local Government Commission will interview and/or survey local elected leaders who serve overburdened <br />communities. Introduce leaders to IRWM and OWOW, and gather a baseline idea of the water management needs and <br />civic strengths of the communities they serve. <br />Deliverables: <br />0 Summary report that compiles survey/interview results from at least 20 elected leaders <br />