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Other elements of the project include several concrete block wall material storage bins; On -Site <br />Generation (OSG) disinfecting equipment housed in a building; buildings for well head and piping, <br />electrical cabinets and SCE switchgear; and low impact design (LID) on -site improvements including bio- <br />swales, bio-retention facilities and pervious pavement or pavers. The outer perimeter of the site will have <br />a facility identification sign, informational plaques, drought tolerant/California friendly landscaping and a <br />perimeter walkway. <br />The awarded SAWPA amount of $100,000 will be used to start environmental documentation and design <br />phase of the project. The City of Santa Ana has completed a feasibility study and developed the attached <br />conceptual design plans for the Washington Avenue Well Project. The project is beginning the <br />environmental documentation and design phase before it can start construction. The Scope of Work and <br />deliverables for this project is as outlined in Section 2 below. <br />SECTION 2. SUB -GRANTEE SCOPE OF WORK, DELIVERABLES <br />Sub -grantee is responsible for the following activities ("the Work") during the work period: <br />Project Administration: Perform necessary administrative functions related to the development of <br />the Washington Avenue Well Project, including coordinating with partnering agencies and <br />managing consultants/contractors. Track and maintain the scope of work, schedule, budget and <br />risk register. Consultants on the project, including the design engineer and contractor, will be <br />procured and managed. Ensure compliance with grant requirements. Prepare and submit <br />supporting grant documents. <br />o Deliverables: <br />• Monthly invoices and progress reports detailing work completed during reporting <br />period. <br />• Draft and final Project Completion Report <br />o Planning/Design/Engineering/Environmental Documentation -The Washington Avenue Well <br />Project consists of design and preparation of construction plans, specifications, cost estimates, <br />design survey, and utility information, including potholing as needed. <br />• Deliverables: <br />CEQA determination documents <br />• Preliminary design documents at 35% & 65% completion <br />• Final design plans and specifications <br />• Construction engineer's estimate. <br />This phase of the project is planned to be completed by December 2020. <br />The City of Santa Ana is seeking funds from the Disadvantaged Community Involvement (DCI) <br />Technical Assistance Project to cover the costs incurred from December 17, 2019, to December 31, 2020, <br />to conduct work as described in Attachment "A" (hereinafter the "project Work Plan"). <br />SECTION 3. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS• ORDER OF PRECEDENCE; SUE -GRANTEE <br />GENERAL COMMITMENT <br />This Contract incorporates and includes as part of its terms and conditions the Grant Agreement between <br />DWR and SAWPA, Agreement No. 4600011889, attached hereto as Attachment "B" (hereinafter the <br />"Grant Agreement"), including Exhibit D thereto, "Standard Conditions." <br />Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority Page 2 of 8 <br />