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Grant Agreement No. 4600011889 <br />Page 12 of 32 <br />PROGRAM ELEMENT2: Engagement/ Education <br />This program element contains activities that will accomplish multiple long-term outcomes for the region. It will provide <br />community members a better understanding of water management and water managers enriched understanding of <br />community strengths and needs. By facilitating engagement of students, and by hosting events that convene broad groups <br />of stakeholders and community members, participation with the OWOW process will be strengthened. Lastly, by engaging <br />and educating elected representatives from overburdened or underrepresented communities, this effort will create <br />lasting relationships that ensure equitable representation in watershed decision making. <br />Activity 9 Tribal Consultation <br />SAWPA staff, Cal Rural Water Association (CRWA) staff and CSU DACC personnel will confer with the sovereign tribal <br />communities within the Santa Ana Watershed and the adjacent areas not served by a Regional Water Management Group. <br />Invitations to participate will be made to tribal groups not currently recognized by federal and state governments. <br />Deliverables: <br />❑ Sign -in sheets or similar documentation from consultation between OWOW/DCI Program and Tribal government <br />representatives <br />❑ Tribal water management needs incorporated into OWOW Plan Update 2018 <br />Activity 10 Value of water/ Tan Water Trust <br />This task will share the value and safety of tap water within the communities of the watershed. In the vast majority of the <br />communities tap water is clean and affordable, yet many new immigrant communities, for many reasons, do not trust the <br />tap water is safe to drink. There are negative economic and health outcomes from reliance on bottled water that for the <br />Santa Ana watershed can be overcome with a respectful, multi-lingual and compassionate outreach campaign. SAWPA <br />will expand existing information campaign programs or initiate new ones through an RFP process. <br />Deliverables: <br />❑ RFP and scoping documents <br />❑ Copies of Outreach campaign materials <br />❑ Roster of participating agencies <br />❑ Map of watershed regions where campaign Is carried out <br />Activity 11 Translation Services <br />SAWPA will issue an RFQ for translation services to produce an on -call list of in -person meeting and written material <br />translation consultants. SAWPA will issue an RFP for local entities to access the on -call consultants for translation services <br />on activities related to community engagement for water management. <br />Deliverables: <br />❑ RFQ/RFP documents <br />❑ Copies of translated written material <br />❑ Notice and list of translated public events <br />❑ Pictures from translated public events <br />Activity 12 Engagement Best Practices Publications <br />The Water Education Foundation (WEF) will research and produce a printed publication that will take a broad look at the <br />engagement of disadvantaged communities with water management, with case studies from around the state, including <br />