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NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) <br /> determine employer•eontributions. The PBO is the portion of the actuarial present value of projected pension <br /> benefits (including projected future salary increases) estimated to be payable in the future as a result of <br /> employees' service to date. <br /> The pension benefit obligation was computed as part of an actuarial valuation performed as of June 30, 1992. <br /> Significant assumptions used in the valuation include (1) a rate of return on the investment of present and <br /> future assets of 8.75% a year compounded annually, (2)projected salary increases of 4.50% compounded <br /> annually attributable to inflation, (3) additional salary increases of 0.75% attributable to across the board <br /> salary increases, (4) 1.75% and 2% a year for the miscellaneous and safety categories respectively, <br /> attributable to merit raises, and (5) no post retirement benefit increases. <br /> The total unfunded pension benefit obligation applicable to the employees was$19,229,680 at June 30, 1992, <br /> as follows: <br /> Pension benefit obligation: <br /> Retirees and beneficiaries currently receiving benefits and <br /> terminated employees not yet receiving benefits. $ 113,639,723 <br /> Current employees: <br /> Accumulated employee contributions including <br /> allocated investment earnings 72,475,710 <br /> Employer-finance vested 119,796,919 <br /> Employer-finance non-vested 4.486.503 <br /> Total pension benefit obligation 310,398,855 <br /> Net assets available for benefits, at cost <br /> (market value: $328,438,829) 291.169.175 <br /> Unfunded pension benefit obligation $ 19,229,680 <br /> From June 30, 1991, no changes were made on benefit provisions and actuarial assumptions. <br /> (D) Actuarially Determined Contribution Requirements and Contribution made: PERS uses the Entry Age <br /> Normal Actuarial Cost Method which is a projected benefit cost method. That is,it takes into account those <br /> benefits that are expected to be earned in the future as well as those already accrued. <br /> According to this method, the normal cost for an employee pension benefit obligation is the level amount <br /> which would fund the projected benefit if it were paid annually from date of employment until retirement. <br /> PERS uses a modification of Entry Age Cost Method in which the employer's total normal cost is expressed <br /> as a level percentage of payroll. PERS also uses the level percentage of payroll method to amortize any <br /> unfunded actuarial liabilities. The amortization period of the unfunded actuarial liability ends by June 30, <br /> 2000. <br /> The significant actuarial assumptions used to compute the actuarially determined contribution requirement are <br /> the same as those used to compute the pension benefit obligation, as previously described. <br />