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Task 2: Inventory existing condition <br />• Identify on a map locations of the deficiencies <br />• Document all deficiencies with photographs <br />• Identify the types of deficiency in a summary report <br />• Perform a visual test of the structural slab, including but not limited to x-ray, to identify <br />potential problem areas <br />➢ Deliverables shall include a summary offindings from the inventory existing condition. <br />Task 3: Cost and analysis <br />• Analyze the cause of the deficiencies <br />• Analyze options for repair <br />o Option 1: Minimal repair of the deficiencies with minimal aesthetic finish <br />o Option 2: Fully repair/reconstruction to eliminate all deficiencies with new deck <br />finish <br />• Prepare detailed cost estimate for each option of repair for future construction budgeting <br />purposes. Cost estimates shall include line item description, quantity, unit, and unit cost to <br />arrive a total cost <br />• Highlight a brief deseription/analysis for each type of repair <br />➢ Deliverables shall include a summary of the analysis and cost estimates and <br />Task 4: Evaluation and Recommendations <br />Based on accumulated research and field review, conduct and prepare written evaluation of both <br />Plaza of the Flag and Plaza of the Fountain, which identifies and analyzes problems and deficiencies <br />related to the overall parking structure and safety. <br />Report shall include recommendations for repair that include: <br />• Exhibit for each option of repair <br />• Back up with structural calculations <br />➢ Deliverables shall include a technical report which summarizes and documents findings <br />including all documents from tasks 1, 2, and 3. <br />Fee Proposal: <br />hi addition to Section III.B.3 (Submittal Requirements: Fee Proposal) fee schedule shall be <br />structured to correspond to the above mentioned tasks as follows: <br />Task 1: Research and Site Reconnaissance <br />Task 2: Inventory existing condition <br />Task 3: Cost and Analysis <br />Task 4: Evaluation and Recommendations <br />Total Fee: <br />Fee schedule for each task should include an hourly breakdown that corresponds to the task total. <br />