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law rules, or the federal laws as applied to contracts performed with the United States government. This Agreement <br />will not be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the <br />application of which is expressly disclaimed. <br />12.5 Headings. The headings and sections in this Agreement and any exhibit, are for convenience and <br />will not be construed to define or limit any of the terms or affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement <br />and any exhibit. <br />12.6 Independent Contractor. MMI and Client are independent contractors under this Agreement, and <br />nothing in this Agreement may be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, franchise or agency or fiduciary <br />relationship between them. Neither Party has any authority to enter into agreements or make any representations of <br />any kind on behalf of the other Party. <br />12.7 Nonexclusive Agreement. It is expressly understood and agreed that this Agreement does not grant <br />to Client any exclusive privileges or rights, and MMI may contract with other clients and customers. <br />12.8 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will <br />be deemed an original, but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument. The parties agree that <br />any facsimile copy, including those exchanged electronically as a .pdf, of a signed counterpart of this Agreement <br />will be treated the same as a signed original of this Agreement. <br />12.9 Entire Agreement. This Agreement together with the Quotes and any exhibits attached hereto <br />contains the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties with respect to the transactions and matters <br />contemplated herein, supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements or negotiations between Client and MMI <br />concerning the subject matter hereof, and cannot be amended except by a writing dated subsequent to this Agreement <br />and signed by both Parties. To the extent the terms and conditions of this Agreement conflict with the terms and <br />conditions of an exhibit, the terns and conditions of this Agreement will control. Terms and/or conditions listed in <br />purchase orders(s) from Client that are in conflict with or in addition to the terms of this Agreement are not accepted <br />by MMI. No course of dealing or usage of trade may be invoked to modify the terms and conditions of this <br />Agreement. <br />12.10 Copies Shall Be Considered Originals. Any complete, legible signed copy of this Agreement shall <br />be considered an original. <br />12.11 Signing Authority. Client represents and warrants the person executing this Agreement is a duly <br />authorized officer or representative of the Client, and has full authority to execute this Agreement, including <br />any amendment thereto, for and on behalf of Client. Client understands that it is fully responsible to <br />ensure the authority of its signatory under to this Agreement and is responsible for any actual <br />or consequential damages incurred by MMI in the event of a breach of this Section by Client. <br />12.12 Cooperative Agreement. The provisions of this Agreement will be extended to other city, county <br />or state governmental entities within the state the Client is located, at then -current pricing. Governmental entities <br />wishing to use this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Cooperative Entity") will be responsible for obtaining <br />a Quote specific to their entity, issuing their own purchase documents/price agreements, providing for their own <br />acceptance, and making any subsequent payments in accordance with the Terns of this Agreement. To determine <br />pricing for Cooperative Entities, MMI will use the then current pricing formula used for all Cooperative Entities <br />within the state Client is located within. The Cooperative Entity wishing to use this Cooperative Agreement must <br />execute with MMI a supplemental Agreement with at least one paragraph specifying they wish to use this <br />Cooperative Agreement and agree to be bound by the terms of the Cooperative Agreement. The Agreement with the <br />Cooperative Entity electing to use this Cooperative Agreement shall include language that MMI shall hold harmless <br />and defend Client (as defined on the first paragraph of page 1 of this Agreement) from all claims, demands, actions <br />or causes of actions of every kind resulting directly or indirectly, arising out of, or in any way connected with the <br />use of this Cooperative Agreement. Failure to include such language will be considered a material breach of this <br />Agreement and grounds for immediate Agreement termination. Cooperative Entities are responsible for obtaining <br />all certificates of insurance and bonds required. MMI is responsible for providing each Cooperative Entity a copy <br />MASTER SOFTWARE LICENSE & SERVICES AGREEMENT PAGE 18 OF 21 <br />Version: Tune 1, 2019— Santa Ana Specific (See Addendum) <br />
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