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INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FAIRVIEw BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS w <br />MAY 2020 (9TH STREET TO 16TH STREET) PROJECT `J" <br />SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA <br />the existing bridge structure with a new bridge of similar size and scale that would not block any of <br />the existing views in the vicinity of the Project area. The proposed Project would also include a <br />concrete barrier rail that would be integrated with the sidewalk on the bridge. Pedestrian -scale <br />lights would be mounted on the concrete barrier rail on the bridge. The concrete barrier rail and <br />street lights would be analyzed and determined during final design; however the proposed barrier <br />rail and lights would be compatible with the existing character of the neighborhood and would be <br />similar in concept to the First Street bridge over the Santa Ana River. The proposed materials and <br />design of the proposed Project improvements would be consistent with the existing visual <br />environment. In addition, the proposed Project is consistent with current zoning and applicable <br />development standards, and with the General Plan Land Use designation and applicable General <br />Plan policies. No impacts would occur, and no mitigation is required. <br />d. Would the project create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect <br />day or nighttime views in the area? <br />Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. Fairview Street currently includes street <br />lighting; however, the existing bridge structure does not have any street lighting. The proposed <br />Project would include street lighting to improve safety on the bridge. As identified above, the <br />proposed Project would also include a concrete barrier rail that would be integrated with the <br />sidewalk on the bridge and would include mounted pedestrian -scale lights. These fixtures would be <br />analyzed and determined during final design; however the proposed barrier rail and street lights <br />would be compatible with the existing character of the neighborhood and would be similar in <br />concept to the First Street bridge over the Santa Ana River. In addition, proposed street lighting <br />would be typical of pole -mounted street lights used for bridges in the City, with lighting directed <br />onto the roadway. The bridge would not include any reflective components that could increase <br />glare. With implementation of Mitigation Measure AES-1, proposed street lighting would not result <br />in excess illumination and light spillover to the Santa Ana River. Therefore, the proposed Project's <br />potential light and glare impacts on daytime or nighttime views in the Project area would be less <br />than significant with mitigation. <br />3.1.3 Mitigation Measures <br />Mitigation Measure AES-1 Street Lighting. Low -light level, energy -efficient, and directed <br />illumination, and separate pedestrian -scale lighting integrated with <br />aesthetically enhanced bridge barrier shall be specified in the design <br />and construction of the proposed Project. <br />R:\WKE1702\ISMND\Final ISMND\Fairview Street Bridge Final ISMND.docx (05/26/20) 3.3 <br />