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L w`J' FAIRVIEw BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS <br />(9TH STREET TO 16TH STREET) PROJECT <br />$ANTA ANAL CALIFORNIA <br />INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION <br />MAY 2020 <br />In developing thresholds of significance for air pollutants, the SCAQMD considered the emission <br />levels for which a project's individual emissions would be cumulatively considerable. If a project <br />exceeds the identified significance thresholds, its emissions would be cumulatively considerable, <br />resulting in significant adverse air quality impacts to the region's existing air quality conditions. <br />Therefore, additional analysis to assess cumulative impacts is unnecessary. The following analysis <br />assesses the potential project -level air quality impacts associated with construction and operation of <br />the proposed Project. <br />The SCAQMD used the NAAQS/CAAQS emission concentrations as a guide to establish the CEQA <br />project -level thresholds for reactive organic gases (ROG), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), CO, sulfur dioxide <br />(S02), PM1o, and PM2.5. The SCAQMD has established thresholds of significance for criteria pollutant <br />emissions generated during both construction and operation of projects as shown in Table 3.3.A <br />below. <br />Table 3.3.A: SCAQMD Construction and Operation Thresholds <br />of Significance (Ibs/day) <br />ROG <br />NOx <br />co <br />502 <br />PM10 <br />PM2.5 <br />Construction Thresholds <br />75 <br />100 <br />550 <br />150 <br />150 <br />55 <br />Operation Thresholds <br />55 <br />55 <br />550 <br />150 <br />150 <br />55 <br />Source: SCAQMD (1993). <br />CO = carbon monoxide <br />Ibs/day = pounds per day <br />NOx = oxides of nitrogen <br />PM2.5 = particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter <br />PM,o = particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter <br />ROG = reactive organic gases <br />SCAQMD = South Coast Air Quality Management District <br />S02 = sulfur dioxide <br />The following sections describe the proposed Project's construction- and operation -related air <br />quality impacts. <br />Construction Emissions. During construction, short-term degradation of air quality may occur <br />due to the release of particulate emissions generated by excavation, grading, hauling, and other <br />activities related to construction. Emissions from construction equipment also are anticipated <br />and would include CO, NOx, ROG, directly emitted particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM1o), and toxic <br />air contaminants (TACs; e.g., diesel exhaust particulate matter). <br />Site preparation and roadway construction would involve clearing, cut -and -fill activities, grading, <br />and paving roadway surfaces. Construction -related effects on air quality from most roadway <br />projects would be greatest during the site preparation phase because most engine emissions are <br />associated with the excavation, handling, and transport of soils to and from the site. If not <br />properly controlled, these activities would temporarily generate CO, NOx, ROG, PM1o, and PM2.5. <br />Sources of fugitive dust would include disturbed soils at the construction site and trucks carrying <br />uncovered loads of soils. Unless properly controlled, vehicles leaving the site would deposit mud <br />on local streets, which could be an additional source of airborne dust after drying. PM10 <br />emissions would vary from day to day, depending on the nature and magnitude of construction <br />activity and local weather conditions. PM10 emissions would also depend on soil moisture, the <br />silt content of soil, wind speed, and the amount of equipment operating at the time. Larger dust <br />3-8 R:\WKE1702\ISMND\Final ISMND\Fairview Street Bridge Final ISMND.docx (05/26/20) <br />