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L w FAIRVIEw BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION <br />`J' (JTH STREET TO 16TH STREET) PROJECT <br />MAY 2020 <br />SANTA ANAL CALIFORNIA <br />As discussed above, increase in traffic capacity would increase average vehicle speeds and reduce <br />the average vehicle delay during peak -hour traffic, both of which would reduce the rate of vehicle <br />emissions. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in a beneficial impact to regional and local <br />air quality. As such, the proposed Project would not result in an increase in air pollution compared <br />to existing conditions. Therefore, sensitive receptors would not be exposed to substantial pollutant <br />concentrations during Project operation. <br />d. Would the project result in other emissions (such as those leading to odors) adversely affecting a <br />substantial number of people? <br />Less Than Significant Impact. SCAQMD's CEQA Air Quality Handbook identifies various secondary <br />significance criteria related to odorous air contaminants. Substantial odor -generating sources <br />include land uses such as agricultural activities, feedlots, wastewater treatment facilities, landfills, or <br />heavy manufacturing uses. The proposed Project does not include any such uses or activities that <br />would result in other emissions such as those leading to odors. Some objectionable odors may <br />emanate from the operation of diesel -powered construction equipment during construction of the <br />proposed Project that could be noticed by people adjacent to the construction area. However, these <br />construction odors would be limited to the construction period, would disperse quickly, and would <br />not adversely affect a substantial number of people. Therefore, construction impacts would be less <br />than significant, and no mitigation is required. <br />The proposed Project would consist of road widening and bridge replacement, which would not <br />produce other emissions leading to odors that would adversely affect a substantial number of <br />people. Project operation impacts would be less than significant, and no mitigation is required. <br />3.3.3 Mitigation Measures <br />Mitigation Measure AQ-1 <br />Construction Emissions Control. The Construction Contractor will <br />adhere to the following procedures during construction and will <br />provide the City of Santa Ana (City) Public Works Director or <br />designee with documentation that these procedures were <br />implemented during construction activities: <br />The contractor will adhere to the Greenbook (2018 or most <br />current) specification: Section 3-12.2 Air Pollution Control. The <br />Contractor will not discharge smoke, dust, equipment exhaust, <br />or any other air contaminants into the atmosphere in such <br />quantity as will violate any federal, State, or local regulations. <br />The contractor will also abate dust nuisance by cleaning, <br />sweeping and spraying with water, or other means as <br />necessary. <br />• The contractor will adhere to the Caltrans Standard <br />Specifications for Construction, Sections 14.9-01, 14.9-02, 14- <br />9.03, 18-1.02C, and 18-1.03 (or Greenbook [2018 or most <br />current] equivalent specifications). Section 14-9-02 specifically <br />3-12 R:\WKE1702\ISMND\Final ISMND\Fairview Street Bridge Final ISMND.docx (05/26/20) <br />