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INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FAIRVIEw BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS w <br />MAY 2020 (9TH STREET TO 16TH STREET) PROJECT <br />J" <br />SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA <br />The BSA is almost entirely developed with residential, commercial, and transportation uses. <br />Vegetation within the BSA primarily consists of ornamental trees and shrubs, lawns, and several <br />disturbed and barren areas. Fairview Triangle Park contains ornamentally planted native trees and <br />shrubs, and is located in the central portion of the BSA adjacent to the Santa Ana River. <br />Elevations range from approximately 80 to 95 ft above mean sea level (amsl) across the entire BSA. <br />The topography of the BSA gently slopes downhill from east to west. The climate is classified as <br />Mediterranean (i.e., arid climate with hot, dry summers and moderately mild, wet winters), with the <br />average annual precipitation being 13.6 inches. Although most of the precipitation occurs from <br />November through March, thunderstorms may occur at other times of the year and can cause high <br />precipitation rates. On average, monthly high temperatures range between 69 degrees Fahrenheit <br />(7) and 857, and monthly low temperatures range between 467 and 647. <br />The proposed Project is located within the Santa Ana River Watershed, which covers an area of <br />approximately 210 square miles (sq mi) in Orange County. The headwaters of the entire 2,650 sq mi <br />Santa Ana River Watershed begin in the San Bernardino Mountains and cross Riverside and Orange <br />Counties before ultimately entering the Pacific Ocean. Flows within the Santa Ana River can be <br />attributed to storm water runoff, urban runoff, and treated wastewater. <br /> Biological Conditions in the Study Area <br />The primary vegetation/land cover type in the BSA is classified as developed with four subtypes, <br />including flood control channel, transportation, ornamental landscaping, and disturbed or barren. <br />The BSA is located within urban portions of Santa Ana with no connection to undisturbed or natural <br />lands. <br /> Habitats and Natural Communities of Concern <br />Jurisdictional Waters.Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and Section 1602 of the California <br />Fish and Game Code regulate activities affecting resources under the jurisdiction of the United <br />States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), <br />respectively. "Waters of the United States" under the jurisdiction of USACE include navigable coastal <br />and inland waters, lakes, rivers, and streams and their tributaries; interstate waters and their <br />tributaries; wetlands adjacent to such waters; intermittent streams; and other waters that could <br />affect interstate commerce. <br />The BSA contains one jurisdictional drainage feature (the Santa Ana River), as discussed in further <br />detail in the corresponding Jurisdictional Delineation Report (Appendix D of the NES). <br />Special -Status Plant Species.Plant species are considered to be of special concern based on the <br />following: (1) federal, State, or local laws regulating impacts to them; (2) limited distributions; <br />and/or (3) the presence of habitat required by the special -status plants occurring in the vicinity of <br />the BSA. One plant species (Ventura marsh milk -vetch), which is federally and State -listed as <br />endangered, was identified by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as potentially <br />occurring within the vicinity of the BSA, although there are no known nearby occurrence records. <br />The CDFW California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) indicated three additional special -status <br />plant species (Gambel's water cress, salt spring checkerbloom, and chaparral sand -verbena) with <br />R:\WKE1702\ISMND\Final ISMND\Fairview Street Bridge Final ISMND.docx (05/26/20) 3-19 <br />