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INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FAIRVIEw BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS w <br />MAY 2020 (9TH STREET TO 16TH STREET) PROJECT <br />J" <br />SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA <br />The Office of Historic Preservation Historic Property Data File includes properties in both Santa Ana <br />and Garden Grove. There are 18 listed properties in Santa Ana within 1 mi of the APE. All of the <br />properties are buildings constructed between 1898 and 1955. Seventeen of the buildings were <br />determined ineligible for National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) listing, while one needs <br />reevaluation. In Garden Grove, the Historic Resources Inventory (HRI) identifies 11 properties with 1 <br />mi of the APE. These properties include nine buildings, an 1880 eucalyptus vat, and a 1976 storm <br />drain. The storm drain was determined ineligible for National Register listing, while the eucalyptus <br />vat needs reevaluation. The nine buildings were constructed between 1949 and 2000. All nine <br />buildings were determined to be ineligible for listing in the National Register. <br />The earliest available online aerial photograph of the area dates from 1953. It shows that although <br />there were residential housing tracts in the area, the land along what would become Fairview Street <br />was still open agricultural land except at the north where Westminster Avenue/17th Street is, and at <br />the south, where several buildings are just southwest of the current APE. A 1963 aerial photograph <br />is the first to show Fairview Street and the Fairview Street bridge. By 1963, tract housing existed <br />alongside the APE and the areas adjacent to the APE were more than half developed. A 1972 aerial <br />photograph shows that the Fairview Street Bridge is much larger than that depicted on the 1963 <br />aerial. The bridge on the 1972 aerial appears to be the currently existing bridge. By 1972, several <br />undeveloped areas existed adjacent to the APE, although these did not exist in the next available <br />aerial photograph dated 1995. Little change has occurred to the APE since 1995. <br />On March 16, 2018, LSA archaeologist Ivan Strudwick conducted a field survey of 3.92 ac of the total <br />11.93 ac APE. The survey areas consisted of approximately 2,650 ft of Fairview Street between <br />Westminster Avenue/17th Street and Civic Center Drive West. The APE is mainly a paved, developed <br />area, although patches of exposed sediment with some variation of ground visibility were found. <br />One archaeological resource, an isolated fragment of marine shell, was found during the survey. <br />Under CEQA, isolated finds are not considered important/significant resources. As such, the isolated <br />shell fragment is not important and requires no additional evaluation for the proposed Project. <br />On April 4, 2019, architectural historians Casey Tibbet and Eugene Heck conducted an intensive - <br />level pedestrian survey of the historic -period built environment in the APE. During the survey, Ms. <br />Tibbet took digital photographs of the exteriors of the historic -period buildings and features and <br />made detailed notations regarding their current conditions, integrity levels, physical characteristics, <br />and setting. In addition, Ms. Tibbet and Mr. Heck completed a reconnaissance -level survey of the <br />general setting and of the buildings and features. <br />3.5.2 Impact Analysis <br />a. Would the project cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource <br />pursuant to §15064.5? <br />No Impact. According to the HPSR, all resources were determined to be ineligible for listing in the <br />National Register and are not eligible to qualify as historical resources as defined in Section 15064.5 <br />of CEQA. As a result, there are no resources in the Project area that are considered historical <br />resources as defined in Section 15064.5 of CEQA. Therefore, the proposed Project would not cause a <br />substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource. Therefore, no impacts to <br />R:\WKE1702\ISMND\Final ISMND\Fairview Street Bridge Final ISMND.docx (05/26/20) 3-31 <br />