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Orozco, Norma <br />From: Santa Ana's Peoples Budget Platform <> <br />Sent: Monday, July 06, 2020 10:24 AM <br />To: Pulido, Miguel; Sarmiento, Vicente; Penaloza, David; Solorio, Jose; Bacerra, Phil; <br />Villegas, Juan; Mendoza, Nelida; eComment <br />Subject: Santa Ana People's Budget Platform <br />Dear Santa Ana City Council Member, <br />My name is Yvette Rodriguez. ®` ®` Currently, 70 cents of every dollar from the City of Santa Ana's <br />General Fund pays for the city's narrowly -defined `public safety' entities, largely police and fire. We stand with <br />the #BlackLivesMatter movement, and with Santa Ana youth, demanding a shift in public spending -- away <br />from law enforcement, towards youth programs, economic opportunities and housing. In short, our vision of <br />thriving neighborhoods is not possible without addressing the choke hold of law enforcement over our public <br />dollars and over our communities' wellbeing. I urge you to listen to the community and support the Santa Ana <br />People's Budget Platform. <br />Value: Invest in Youth: We call for the DEFUNDING OF POLICE, we call on city council to redirect youth <br />suppression spending into healthy youth development services, programs and resources, such as mental health <br />counselors, youth reentry programs, expungement clinics, teen mom programs, jobs, internships, etc. <br />Value: Protect Immigrant Families: To meet the needs of the immigrant community and build off of the <br />city's investment in immigrant communities of over the last three years, the City should expand its investment <br />to $200,000 or more a year for the next 3 years for a more robust Universal Representation program to ensure <br />any Santa Ana resident facing deportation has access to legal representation. <br />141value: Prioritize Workers, Worker Cooperatives and Small Businesses: We call on the City to create a <br />Worker Cooperative Development Fund to support the creation of local businesses owned by their workers <br />through training, technical assistance, incubation, conversion and financing, and to put on the ballot a measure <br />to waive business license fees and permit fees related to the development and improvement of worker <br />cooperatives. <br />Value: Invest in the Santa Ana Public Library; in art, educational, and recreational programs; and in all <br />other City agencies and staff that provide vital services to Santa Ana residents, other than police: We call <br />on the City to increase the budget of the Public Library, for additional materials and staff support, including <br />additional hotspots and computers for community use. <br />Value: Protect Immigrant and Low Income Renters: We call on the City to create an Eviction Defense Fund <br />and invest I million dollars to protect a Tenant's Right to Counsel, especially when 90% of tenants facing <br />eviction do not have legal representation. A City -funded Right to Counsel program would ensure vulnerable <br />tenants have representation in court. <br />Value: Housing Opportunities: We call on the city to preserve the city's Housing Opportunity Ordinance and <br />continue to collect in -lieu fees from developers that choose not to build affordable housing. <br />
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