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By Right Funding for Achieving City Goals and Objectives <br />If at any time a developer proposes a project that is located in a zoning district permitting <br />development of residential uses "by -right" and such approvals do not require any discretionary <br />actions by the City, the developer may submit an application for by -right funding of extremely <br />low-income affordable housing units. Staff may then form a Review Panel to consider the <br />developer's application for by -right funding as quickly as possible using the scoring and <br />selection criteria from the Open REP Process. This policy will expedite consideration of the <br />developer's application for by -right funding. Only units serving households at 30% Area <br />Median Income and below may qualify for by -right funding under this application process. The <br />maximum per unit subsidy shall not exceed the maximum limits established by HUD for the <br />HOME Program at the time of submission of the application for by -right funding by the <br />developer. Applications for by -right funding may only request Inclusionary Housing Funds from <br />the City under the above -described process and the requested amount shall not exceed the <br />amount of the City's total Available Funds as published quarterly in the Housing Division <br />Quarterly Report. However, funding is subject to the availability of actual Inclusionary Housing <br />Funds. Additionally, the City reserves the right to amend these policies at any time, which could <br />affect the availability of such funding, or to deny funding for any project that the City determines <br />in its sole discretion does not align with the City's goals and objectives for this program. <br />Three -Year Goals for By -Right Funding Proposals: <br />The City of Santa Ana has established the following Goals for the next three years, to be <br />evaluated on an annual basis, for proposals submitted under this section. The Goals are <br />linked to the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) per the City's Housing <br />Element and based upon what affordable housing development projects that the City has <br />in the pipeline for development and estimates/goals for Year 3: <br /># of Extremely Low- <br /># of Very LowIncome# <br />of LowIncomeUnits <br />Year <br />Income Units at 30 /• <br />Units at 50% AMI <br />at 80% AMI <br />AMI <br />1 <br />54 <br />111 <br />9 <br />2 <br />54 <br />33 <br />38 <br />3 <br />115 <br />82 <br />34 <br />TOTAL <br />223 <br />226 <br />81 <br />ConWetitive Selection Criteria <br />In selecting among competing project proposals, consideration shall be given to projects that <br />meet the following General Principles: <br />• Significantly increase affordable housing opportunities for large families (three- and four - <br />bedroom units). <br />• Benefit a higher percentage of units for extremely low-income households with deeper <br />affordability. <br />• Are cost effective with low operating costs (green building techniques). <br />• Increase affordable housing opportunities for special needs populations, including <br />homeless individuals and families, persons with a disability, and seniors. <br />• Are located in areas currently underserved by affordable housing developments. <br />Affordable Housing Funds Policies and Procedures Page 11 <br />75B-76 <br />