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6. ANTICIPATED CASH FLOWS (Max. 15 Points) <br />Project's proposed development costs are reasonable and comparable <br />3 <br />Projects proposed rents are realistic <br />3 <br />Projects operating costs are realistic and reasonable <br />3 <br />Project has sufficient operating and replacement reserves <br />3 <br />Project is projecting a positive cash flow through affordability period <br />3 <br />Sub -total <br />15 <br />7. PROJECT LOCATION (Max. 5 Points) <br />Project is located in an area currently underserved by affordable housing <br />5 <br />Sub -total <br />5 <br />TOTAL ELIGIBLE POINTS <br />100 <br />Developer Input on In -Lieu Fee Payments to the Inclusionary Housing Fund <br />Under Section 41-1904(c)(3) of the Housing Opportunity Ordinance, a "Developer may provide <br />input regarding what proj ect the in lieu fees should be applied towards, but such input shall not <br />be dispositive. The in -lieu fees collected by the City are City funds over which the City has <br />complete and absolute discretion". If a Developer chooses to provide input on the allocation of <br />their in -lieu fees, input must be submitted in writing within no more than 90 calendar days from <br />the date payment of the in -lieu fees are deposited with the City. The Developer's request will be <br />worth up to five (5) bonus points awarded to the applicant within the RFP Process through the <br />Competitive Selection Criteria provided above. The bonus points do not guarantee that the <br />project will be funded with the in -lieu fees paid by the Developer that provided the input. <br />Determination of Reasonable Costs and Financial Feasibility <br />A real estate advisor shall review the Applicants estimates and projections of rents, expenses, <br />reserves and development costs in accordance with industry -standard underwriting guidelines. <br />The Applicant shall provide a proforma and background documentation on all costs for the <br />analysis, as requested by the City. The City may recommend adjustments to cost and expense <br />amounts as appropriate to conform to current market and industry standards. The total amount of <br />the Program loan and all private loans shall not exceed the total development costs approved by <br />the City. <br />The maximum allowable purchase price s1taB not exceed the appraised value as evidenced by an <br />appraisal prepared by a California State Certified General Appraiser and approved by the <br />Housing Division, which is dated not more than six (6) months prior to the date of the proposal. <br />The appraisal may not determine property value based solely on sales of properties financed by <br />public agencies. <br />The maximum affordable mortgage amount s1taB be calculated using the rent schedule proposed <br />by the Applicant as approved by the City, the proposed interest rate and terms of the primary <br />loan(s), and reasonable operating allowances and reserves, including a reserve to amortize a <br />mortgage, as needed. <br />Affordable Housing Funds Policies and Procedures Page 13 <br />75B-78 <br />