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"Accessible units" refers to those units whch were originally approved by the City <br />specifically as accessible units and which provide specific features to address the needs <br />of persons living with mobility impairments or persons living with sensory impairments. <br />Environmental Review <br />Project sites must be free from adverse environmental impacts or the proposed project must <br />successfully mitigate these impacts. The City shall assess the environmental effects of each <br />activity proposed to be carried out with City funding in accordance with the provisions of the <br />National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality <br />Act (CEQA), as applicable. For projects subject to NEPA review, no loan funds (except for <br />activities normally exempted from the environmental clearance requirements in 24 CFR Part <br />58.34) shall be released until the environmental review is completed, the notice of finding and <br />environmental assessment results are published, and the 15-day public comment period expires. <br />Prevailing Wages <br />Any contract for construction (rehabilitation or new construction) of affordable housing with 12 <br />or more units assisted with HOME Program funds, 8 or more units if the project is assisted <br />with CDBG Program funds, or 9 or more units if the project is assisted with PBV Program <br />funds, must contain a provision requiring that not less than the prevailing wages paid in the <br />locality, as determined by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to the Davis -Bacon Act, will be paid <br />to all laborers and mechanics employed in the development of the project. Contractors and <br />subcontractors must comply with regulations issued under this Act and pertaining to labor <br />standards and HUD Handbook 1344.1. <br />Relocation <br />If necessary, the Applicant shall develop a plan for temporary relocation or permanent voluntary <br />relocation, where necessary, for review by the City. The Relocation Plan shall be in accord with <br />the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies <br />Act of 1970, and the implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 42, and the California Relocation <br />Assistance Act, where applicable. There shall be no permanent involuntary tenant displacement. <br />In cases where tenants will be voluntarily displaced, the Applicant must submit a copy of a letter <br />to each tenant which details the tenant's rights to relocation assistance. In the case of a tenant's <br />waiver of relocation payments, the Applicant must submit a letter signed by the tenant indicating <br />the tenant's knowing and voluntary waiver of any relocation assistance. In the absence of these <br />items, the Applicant/"other displacing entity," as that term is defined under applicable state or <br />federal law will be responsible for paying the tenant the appropriate level of relocation <br />assistance. <br />Contracting Requirements <br />All Applicants will be required to submit an affirmative action/equal employment opportunity <br />plan indicating the methods that they will use to encourage the participation of certified Minority <br />Affordable Housing Funds Policies and Procedures Page 17 <br />75B-82 <br />