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IV. PRE -LOAN COAUMTMENT <br />Pre -Loan Commitment <br />Following the REP Process, Proposal Review, Determination of Reasonable Costs and Financial <br />Feasibility, and conditional on meeting the other requirements and conditions outlined above, a <br />pre -loan commitment letter may be drafted by the Housing Division, reviewed and approved by <br />the Housing Division Manager, the City Attorney's Office, and the Executive Director of <br />Community Development, before being recommended for approval. The letter shall state the <br />maximum amount of program funds reserved for the project and list all of the additional <br />conditions, documents and steps that must be taken by the Borrower prior to loan closing. <br />After the pre -loan commitment letter has been drafted, staff will prepare a written staff report <br />recommending a commitment of funds for a proposal and explaining the reasons for the <br />commitment. The recommendation will be made first by the Housing Division to the <br />Community Redevelopment and Housing Commission (CRHC) to issue the commitment of <br />program funds to the project in the form of an award of program funds. If recommended by the <br />CRHC to City Council, a recommendation will then be made by the Housing Division to the City <br />Council and/or Housing Authority for final approval of the commitment of program funds by <br />motion adopted by the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members. <br />If approved by City Council and/or the Housing Authority, a notice of the issuance of the pre - <br />loan commitment shall be posted publicly, and a copy of such notice shall be published in a <br />newspaper of general circulation, no later than 21 days after the commitment is issued. <br />Upon issuance of a pre -loan commitment letter, the Housing Division shall work with the <br />Developer to secure all of their remaining financing. If the conditions and projections for the <br />project rent schedule or non -City loans changes or is modified after the pre -loan commitment <br />letter is issued, a second underwriting and subsidy layering analysis will be conducted by a real <br />estate advisor. <br />Conflict of Interest <br />No person who is an employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected official or appointed official <br />of the City who exercises or has exercised any function or responsibility regarding activities <br />assisted with Program funds or who is in a position to participate in a decision making process or <br />gain inside information concerning these activities, may obtain a financial interest or benefit <br />from an activity, or have an interest in any contract, subcontract or agreement with respect <br />thereto, or the proceeds thereunder, either for themselves or those with whom they have family <br />or business ties, during their tenure or for one year thereafter. <br />Affordable Housing Funds Policies and Procedures Page 19 <br />75B-84 <br />